Daily Express

‘Cowards’ film sick attack on constable

- By Michael Knowles Home Affairs Correspond­ent

POLICE yesterday urged the public to stop filming attacks on officers – and help save them instead.

They urged those who do capture assaults on officers to send the videos to police – not post them online as “entertainm­ent”.

In the most recent videoed attack, PC Adam Brown is seen raising his hands to defend himself as blows rain down on his head.

During the horrific attack, onlookers cheer and one is heard shouting: “Do him, do him, do him. Bang him up.”

Following the incident in Luton, PC Brown wrote on social media: “Crowd of people find it funny and film it. None tried to help.”

Peter Kirkham, a former Scotland Yard detective chief inspector, said: “More people than ever are filming attacks and putting them online, as ‘entertainm­ent’, posted for shares and likes.

“Encouragem­ent of the attackers is often heard.

“Filming has become the primary aim, rather than assisting the officers.”

Bedfordshi­re Police said: “The officer suffered minor injuries during the incident, which occurred when responding to reports of an assault.

“We will not tolerate any assaults on our officers and staff and would urge people not to share videos of such incidents as it only serves to encourage those who feel it is acceptable behaviour.”

John Apter, chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said: “Disgusting, vile and cowardly behaviour.

“From the individual attacking the officer, to the bystander encouragin­g the violence… this is what my colleagues face every day.

“An average of 85 police officers are assaulted every day, which is totally unacceptab­le.

“And the fact that people choose to film officers being attacked to then post their clips on social media, rather than taking action to help the officer or using footage to help investigat­ion into the attack, is disgracefu­l.”

Home Office figures reveal 30,679 recorded assaults on officers last year, up from 29,792 in 2018/19.

This did not include figures from England’s third biggest force, Greater Manchester Police.

A boy aged 17 has been charged with assault in connection with last Friday’s attack on PC Brown.

 ??  ?? PC Adam Brown posted online about attack and video
PC Adam Brown posted online about attack and video
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