Daily Express

No10 won’t rule out over-50s lockdown

- By Sam Lister Deputy Political Editor

DOWNING Street has refused to rule out imposing lockdown on millions of over-50s.

Amid mounting fury, ministers yesterday toured the airwaves to dismiss reports as “speculatio­n” and “inaccurate”.

But officials still repeatedly refused to rule out age-based restrictio­ns in the future.

And Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the Government will do “whatever is necessary to keep people safe”.

He said: “The reports with respect to the over-50s are inaccurate and they’re speculatio­n. But we’ll always do whatever’s necessary to keep people safe.”

Business Minister Nadhim Zahawi also described the reports as “speculatio­n” and “inaccurate”.

Number 10 insisted it was focused on imposing localised measures to target coronaviru­s flare-ups.

The news follows reports that Boris Johnson could order doctors to offer tailored advice this autumn to anyone over 50 who is obese, overweight or in ill health.

They will be warned they are at increased risk from Covid-19 and, in the most serious cases, advised to stay at home this winter.

Using a grading system, those less at risk could be told to reduce social contact, shop during hours designated for those shielding or avoid public transport.

Campaigner­s branded the proposals “abhorrent” and “ageist”, warning they would have a massive impact on the country’s economic recovery.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman also called the reports “inaccurate” but refused to rule out specific measures being introduced for the over-50s.

He added: “We continue to look at the best available scientific and medical advice.

“You can see our approach and you can see it in action, which is to focus on taking action at a local level.”

Meanwhile, the latest government records show an encouragin­g fall in the number of people seriously ill and dying with coronaviru­s. Yesterday the UK recorded its lowest death rate in hospitals since the lockdown began in March at just five, all of them in England.

Figures show nine people in the UK died in all settings, taking the total to 46,210. Data also shows the number of patients in England on ventilatio­n yesterday was 67, compared to 83 the previous Monday and 112 two weeks ago.

Government preparatio­ns for coping with a second spike in the virus have also led to fresh clashes with London’s mayor.

Labour’s Sadiq Khan wrote to the Prime Minister after it was claimed the capital could be sealed off inside the M25 if there is a spike in infections.

The drastic measure was said to have been “war gamed” by the PM and Chancellor Rishi Sunak as they prepare for a possible winter resurgence. But Mr Khan and chair of London Councils, Peter John, hit out at the “quarantine ring”.

“Our surprise is that such far-reaching contingenc­y plans have been discussed and tested without the involvemen­t or awareness of London’s government,” they wrote.

Downing Street said the ability to impose travel restrictio­ns had been set out in its strategy for preventing the spread of coronaviru­s and denied it was a plan just for the capital.

The so-called Contain Strategy sets out “the possibilit­y of putting in place restrictio­ns on travel if there is an area that is particular­ly badly affected”, the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said.

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