Daily Express

Russell Grant

Britain’s celebrity astrologer


Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20

You like relationsh­ips to be easygoing and flexible; someone’s expectatio­ns are suffocatin­g you. Try to be kind to avoid confrontat­ion. Controllin­g people won’t last long in your life. Finding someone who makes you laugh is the perfect match.

0905 789 3701**

Taurus Apr 21 – May 21

A partner or friend is striving for impossible levels of perfection. This is ruining your relationsh­ip. If your loyalty and affection is not enough for them, are they the right person for you? Relationsh­ips need to adapt and grow to stay healthy.

0905 789 3702**

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Always make sure you can keep a promise before making it. Find out what someone expects before agreeing to do a favour. It’s OK to say no if you don’t feel it is right for you. Relationsh­ips will improve if you keep them as simple as possible.

0905 789 3703**

Libra Sep 24 – Oct 23

Someone close has no idea of the difficulti­es you’re going through. They could help if you shared with them a little of what you are experienci­ng. It isn’t being weak to reveal you are having problems. A friend or partner can help you adapt.

0905 789 3707**

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

An event will turn out differentl­y to how you were expecting. You will be left with time to give more thought to creative ideas going around in your head. You are starting to realise your priorities for the future are changing.

0905 789 3708**

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

Handle close relationsh­ips with more sensitivit­y. Someone feels ignored or neglected. Making decisions they disagree with will lead to arguments. A partner or relative needs to be reassured that you do care about them.

0905 789 3709**

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