Daily Express

Former girlfriend’s alarm over twisted film fetish

- By Cyril Dixon

AN ex-girlfriend of Ceon Broughton spoke out on the rapper’s unhealthy fascinatio­n with filming women he gave drugs to after hearing of Louella’s death.

Swede Paulina Aberg, 26, told police he took pictures of her while unconsciou­s and bleeding on her bathroom floor after giving her a “load of drugs”.

She came forward after his trial had started to offer evidence she thought might have helped the prosecutio­n. The Stockholmb­ased music producer’s daughter said Broughton kept footage on his mobile phone of people “suffering death”.

In evidence given to the court but never shown to the jury after the defence had it ruled out, she said she met him while working at a fashion store in London and they started dating.

She claimed a month before Louella’s death in September 2017, he gave her drugs at her flat which affected her badly and she fell, hitting her head on a sink. As she lay unconsciou­s, he took a photo, which he later sent to her. He had left her to call an ambulance herself.

After the case, her mother Maria, 51, said: “As soon as she saw what happened to Louella, she was determined to help.

“She wanted to show Louella’s family she stands by them. It was a tough decision but she’s an amazing girl to have done it.”

Other background material about the skateboard­er included video clips urging an unidentifi­ed woman to take drugs during a trip to Toronto.

In one clip, he offered two spoonfuls of the unidentifi­ed substance to a woman wearing a top and knickers, telling her she had to finish it.

Prosecutor­s argued the evidence showed a pattern of Broughton intoxicati­ng women and recording the outcome for his gratificat­ion.

But the jury was not allowed to see any of this evidence.

 ??  ?? Paulina dated Broughton
Paulina dated Broughton

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