Daily Express

Back to class joy of boy, 5, who’s beaten brain tumour

- By Chris Riches

A FIVE year- old who nearly died from a cork- sized brain tumour has made such a good recovery that he started school this week.

Little Harry Garside fell ill in July when his voice started to sound “like film star Al Pacino”, his family revealed.

Initially mum Laura, 39, dismissed the voice as a cry for attention, until the youngster started choking on a chicken nugget and was rushed to A& E.

Shocked doctors discovered he had a tumour the size of a wine cork, which led to sepsis, pneumonia and a collapsed lung.

At one stage his family were warned that he may never swallow or be able to speak properly again.

But not only has Harry defied all prediction­s to speak normally, he has now returned to school to start Year One. Mum

Laura, of Liverpool, said: “Everyone calls him a little miracle now.

“I remember begging the doctors not to let him die but it feels like it never happened now.”

When Harry woke up speaking like a “deaf Al Pacino”, Laura feared he was craving attention. But then he complained about his eyesight and stomach too.

Medics soon realised that something neurologic­al was affecting his ability to swallow – so checked him for a brain tumour.

Within days his condition seriously deteriorat­ed.

Doctors put him on a ventilator to keep him alive before carrying out a nine- hour operation on the brain tumour.

Laura said: “As soon as he came off the ventilator he could speak again.

“His personalit­y is back, he’s eating for England and already buzzing about seeing his school mates. I’m so proud of him.”

 ??  ?? ‘ Pacino’ voice... Harry, 5
‘ Pacino’ voice... Harry, 5

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