Daily Express


- Derby

WHEN Morrissey and Johnny Marr wrote There Is A Light That Never Goes Out they could have been talking about my house (“How brew can be a big waste”, October 16).

I seem to spend my life walking around, switching off lights left on by our kids in rooms they haven’t set foot in for hours.

Charging phones that have been on 100 per cent for hours, and the TV left blaring to our dog and the cats are two of my other bugbears.

When our kids grow up, move out and pay bills they’ll feel my pain. Bryan Kent, Manchester

AS a family we do all we can not to waste energy. We only run our central heating for an hour before we get up and an hour before the kids get back from school.

We got our house insulated and had new double glazing fitted when we moved in five years ago and our investment is really starting to pay off.

Maybe I’m a bit stingy but if anyone moans that it’s a bit chilly I tell them to put a jumper on.

It’s a point of principle but I never switch on the central heating until the clocks go back.

Jennifer Benson,

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