Daily Express

PM backs majority in devolved Scotland

- By Martyn Brown

BORIS Johnson will speak for the majority of Scots who voted against independen­ce in the 2013 referendum, Downing Street says.

The PM’s declaratio­n came after he insisted he has always fully supported Scottish devolution despite reportedly calling it a “disaster” in a conference call with 60 Tory MPs.

He is said to have described the 1999 devolution as “Tony Blair’s biggest mistake”.

But yesterday Mr Johnson’s spokesman said: “The PM has always fully supported devolution. This Government continues to put the Union at the heart of everything.

“The PM has been clear that he thinks the four corners of the UK are stronger together and he will be the voice of the majority of Scottish people who voted decisively to keep the UK together. He will always stand against those trying to separate the United Kingdom.

“The PM believes that we had what was a once- in- a- generation referendum and that the result of it should be respected.

“He firmly rejects the SNP’s call to break up the United Kingdom.”

Speaking to the MPs on Monday evening, Mr Johnson reportedly said that while he had supported the Scottish Parliament during his time as Mayor of London he did not currently “see a case” for giving Holyrood more powers.

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted: “Worth bookmarkin­g these PM comments for the next time Tories say they’re not a threat to the powers of the Scottish Parliament – or... that they support devolving more powers.”

She added: “The only way to protect and strengthen the Scottish Parliament is with independen­ce.”

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