Daily Express

Butcher: I was stupid to play days later


brave Lionheart he thought at the time.

The 61- year- old will forever be remembered for the night in Sweden in September 1989 when a clash of heads just before half- time left him with a blood- soaked shirt and a scar he still bears to this day.

Currently working with Ipswich, Butcher’s continuing work in the game alongside modern medical teams has taught him what a huge risk he took that night.

“It was foolish,” Butcher says simply. “It had nothing to do with courage.

“Thinking about it now, the brave thing would have been to come off – which would have been the right thing to do. It is a medical issue, it is not about being a Lionheart.

“You know when it is just a cut. It’s just blood on the shirt, like a boxer might get from a cut around the eye. e.

“But you also know ow when you get a really lly bad bang and a strong case ase for concussion.

“It is not about being macho – it is being sensible.

“Perhaps in the modern day David Luiz is an exception wanting to go back on, so it is great to show that attitude.

“But it is still the wrong thing to do.

What if he gets a blood clot? That’s why there are protocols in place and the medical staff have to be the ones to decide.” Butcher Butcher’s situation was even wo worse than he admitte admitted at the time – even to the c club doctor at Rangers Rangers. He said: “At trainin training two days later, the m manager Graeme Sou Souness, left, looked at the cut and said, ‘ Well do done, but you’re pl playing tomorrow’. “I felt really sleepy a and went home to b bed at 2pm. I slept til till 10am the foll following morning.

“I got up, played, and we b beat Aberdeen. Now I rea realise how stupid I had been. When your head meets a hard object you get brain trauma – the brain rattles around.

“Any secondary damage to that bruising is very, very dangerous. Life threatenin­g.”

The Luiz incident has led to fresh calls for additional concussion replacemen­ts, with football’s lawmakers IFAB meeting on December 16 to give the green light for their use in the rest of this FA Cup.

Brain injury associatio­n Headway feels the move is long overdue. “Football moved quickly when they introduced a fifth substitute for muscular injuries,” said spokespers­on Luke Griggs. “Yet we cannot move so quickly to protect against brain injuries?”

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