Daily Express

We back Boris after a brutal Covid bout


EMMA McLaughlan, 37, right, from Basildon, Essex, backed Boris Johnson’s decision to put most of her county into Tier 4 after suffering from the “quite brutal” virus earlier this month.

Her daughter Kaitlyn, 16, far right, had to be hospitalis­ed after she also tested positive.

The mum of three said this Christmas “We are keeping ourselves to ourselves.”

VALENTIN Zinovjev, 45, right, was buying food in Basildon town centre for the festivitie­s.

But the dad of five- year- old twins Nikita and Danila has stopped working as a carpenter and will stay at home to avoid passing the virus on to his father, Gennadi, 69, far right.

He said: “With my father, this is very hard. We will stay at home. We are not going to have any other relatives.”

MALCOLM Kernick said Tier 4 should have happened sooner but backed the Prime Minister’s handling of the crisis.

And the 59- year- old, far right, from Basildon added that if you are not wearing a mask, “you should be fined, or not let in the shops or on trains”.

His wife Deena, 55, right, added: “It is the worst thing. It was always going to happen. But you can’t blame Boris.”

MICHAEL and Lynda Holmes, right, cancelled Christmas with their four children but have vowed to “make the best of it”.

Taxi driver Michael, 59, has seen work plummet. His wife, 56, said: “We have enough money for the short- term but long- term, we don’t know.”

JACQUI Thompson, pictured with grandson Wyatt, six, supported the new rules.

The 56- year- old from Basildon had to cancel plans to visit her daughter for Christmas and was yesterday buying festive food.

She said: “I am a carer and I have to make sure I keep away from people as we have patients who are very poorly.”

MARIA Godfrey, 52, is willing to break the rules to see her mum, who has dementia and is partially blind.

Maria, pictured with husband Keith, 54, said she is the only one able to care for her. But the mother- of- five from Basildon, Essex, when told she can form a bubble with the 84- year- old mum, said: “That’s a relief. I am the only child she has got left.”

CASEY Wakeham, 19, will still see her mum on Christmas Day, calling Tier 4 “just stupid”.

The barmaid, pictured far left with Jacob Roberts, 20, also from Rayleigh, Essex, said lots of pals are also planning to see family over the festive period.

But she is prepared to selfisolat­e for two weeks after meeting her mum in Romford.

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