Daily Express


- By Giles Sheldrick Chief Reporter

THE mass exodus from lockdown London and the South- east over the weekend was branded an act of “totally irresponsi­bility”, by Health Secretary Matt Hancock.

In chaotic scenes tens of thousands of people grabbed what they could and fled just hours before the capital was plunged into new restrictio­ns.

The mad rush after Boris Johnson’s press conference announceme­nt sparked dangerous overcrowdi­ng at St Pancras, Euston and King’s Cross where packed carriages resembled the “last train out of Saigon”.

Hours before the stampede Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty begged people to stay at home, warning: “If you have packed a bag, unpack it.”

Stations were overrun with people fleeing to cities in the North while traffic on main roads out of the capital and other parts of the south east was gridlocked.

People used every available mode of transport to leave – even hailing cabs to drive them hundreds of miles.

Edmund King, president of the AA, said within 90 minutes of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decree on Saturday night there were reports of people jumping in taxis and hiring vehicles to escape the new rules, which came into force eight hours later.

He said: “There are elements of an exodus of some people from Tier 4. I have heard of people actually hiring cars to get out of London to get to Liverpool because a lot of the trains are either restricted or booked.

“We have even heard of taxi drivers taking people longer distances – people calling minicab offices and saying, ‘ I need to get to Nottingham’.

“It is almost like a wall is coming down around London and the South- east and some people are scrambling to get away to save their Christmas.”

Mr Hancock said: “I think those scenes were totally irresponsi­ble. This was totally irresponsi­ble behaviour but I think it’s relatively small numbers.

“The vast majority of people in the pandemic have followed the rules and played their part.

“It is more important than ever that people are responsibl­e, not only stick to the rules but within the rules restrict social contact as much as is possible because this is deadly serious.”

Asked if police would prevent people from leaving Tier 4 regions he said: “I’ve spoken to the Home Secretary and the British Transport Police’s responsibi­lity is to police the transport system.” Shocking scenes showed crowds rushing towards barriers to board trains leaving the capital.

On one crammed platform at St Pancras thousands jostled to board the last train to Leeds before restrictio­ns began.

Commuter Co Harriet Clugston compared com the chaos to Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War when wh people were desperate to flee the Viet Cong invaders.

She S tweeted: “Last train out of Saigon. Queue at St Pancras as we wait to board the Leedsbound train. As expected, train is crammed.

“Every person on this train including myself has made what is probably a very silly and irresponsi­ble decision to travel, albeit within the law. But that’s what people were always going to do to be together at Christmas.”

There were fears packed carriages – where social distancing was impossible – could help transport the new mutant strain of Covid sweeping the south of England to unaffected parts.

Network Rail chairman Sir Peter Hendy said: “Additional transport police are in place to ensure only essential journeys

take place.” Yesterday – on the first day of the new Tier 4 restrictio­ns under which nonessenti­al travel is banned – Eurostar tickets sold out in less than hour amid fears France – and other countries – would ban UK travellers in a bid to prevent the mutant strain spreading.

The exodus was triggered after millions of people living in Tier 3 parts of London, the South- east and east of England were placed into a new, tougher Tier 4.

Around 18 million Britons now in the highest tier.

The changes mean a ban on households mixing over Christmas, travel into or out of Tier 4 areas is only permitted for very limited reasons and overnight stays away from home are largely prohibited.

Elsewhere families are only allowed to form “Christmas bubbles” on December 25.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said: “If you are in Tier 4, are the law means you must stay at home and you cannot stay overnight away from home.

“Across the rest of the country, you must stay local. Follow the guidance and please do not come to a station unless you are permitted to travel.”

Mr Johnson added: “We are sacrificin­g our chance to see loved ones this Christmas, so we have a better chance of protecting their lives so we can see them at future Christmase­s.”

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