Daily Express

Christmas wishes from the Editor

- Editor- in- chief, Daily and Sunday Express

Dear Readers,

May I wish you the happiest Christmas possible. It won't be easy. Most of us will be deprived of the gatherings we so desperatel­y longed for with family and friends. But we must, and indeed have little choice. but to make the most of the limited contact well be able to enjoy.

We had all rather hoped that Christmas would bring some respite from the pandemic. Alas, it was not to be.

"To absent friends" will be a toast made all the more poignant this year.

And if you're like me and had liberally stocked upon liquid refreshmen­ts then we could most easily be toasting well into Easter, when perhaps God wiling, we shaft be raising a glass to victory over Covid-19.

Like many of you I'll also be eating turkey for some time to come now that the dinner table will be set for just the four of us. Don't tell Mrs Jones, but I'm not that keen on the bird in the first place.

I fully recognise I am one of the fortunate ones.

I know just how chalenging life has been and continues to be for so many of you, our loyal readers, who've sacrificed so much and protected yourselves and your families from the very real dangers the virus brings. I don't know anyone who has succumbed to the virus, but several friends have been infected and suffered the effects of this cruellest of infections.

And we must not forget the considerab­le number who haven't been able to get treatment for other illnesses and diseases and who have seen their future put on hold.

Nor must we neglect those who've suffered financial loss through no fault of their own.

The Express was proud to launch our "Brilliantl­y British" initiative backing goods made in the UK. Check those labels and support our businesses and our people.

There have been a few upsides in the Jones household. Our Labrador is fighting fit owing to the increased number of walks she has very much enjoyed.

I am now something of an expert on garden birds. Staring out the window helps.

I've learned patience and tolerance with family members, and smile more because, well, what's the use of being grumpy when you have no audience! Our special thanks as a nation must go to all those who work for the NHS and care workers. Their dedication is an inspiratio­n.

Captain Tom Moore, now a colonel, and a Sir to boot, Ifted the spirits of us all and raised an incredible 132.8mIlion.

The Royal Family played their part in maintainin­g our morale. Who could argue against The Queen as our greatest living Briton, and at 94 years young showing lice the rest of us how Zoom video calls have become a feature in our lives. Not permanent, one hopes.

We left the EU at 11pm on January 31st though sometimes it doesn't feel Ike it. The Prime Minister says we will "prosper mightily'. And so we will, now the shackles are finally being hacked away.

Scientists, you too, must take a bow. Developing a vaccine in record time is a truly incredible achievemen­t. Bring on the injection!

To our politician­s and diplomats under the spotlight Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak, Matt Hancock, Priti Patel, Dominic Raab, David Frost we've shared your pain, and admired your resilience. I'd Ike to wish our Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty and Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Valance a welcome return to anonymity some time soon in 2021. Turkey wishbone at the ready.

Tonight I am privileged to be within the confines of Westminste­r Abbey for the Christmas Midnight Mass. My son was a chorister there and will be taking part in the service.

I shall say a prayer for you dear reader, your family, your friends and your future health and happiness.

Merry Christmas.

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