Daily Express

New Brexit rulings would have left Jadon out in cold

- By Neil McLeman

CESC FABREGAS and Jadon Sancho would have been forbidden to make the internatio­nal transfers that made their careers under new post- Brexit rules.

The UK left the European Union single market last night, just before the January transfer window opens tomorrow.

Brexit will see an end to the freedom of movement of labour for EU citizens here – and the end to signing Under- 18s.

Spaniard Fabregas, below, joined Arsenal at 16 after coming through the Barcelona academy and made more than 200 appearance­s for the Gunners.

Young British talent like

Jadon Sancho and Jude Bellingham, both of Borussia Dortmund, will now not be able to play in Europe until they are 18. Here are some of the new rules:


A new points system aims to create a footballin­g level playing field with EU citizens now having only the same right as non- EU footballer­s to play in the British leagues. All overseas signings will need governing body endorsemen­t ( GBE) to be eligible to play in the UK. Players will need 15 points to qualify. The score takes into account caps, the FIFA ranking of the player’s country, club appearance­s and the strength of the domestic league. A panel will adjudicate on players with 10- 14 points. The new rules willl not stop Premier League clubs signing top internatio­nals.


Clubs could previously sign EU citizens such as Fabregas, Paul Pogba and Hector Bellerin at the age of 16. Now the limit is 18. Even European players aged 18 and 19 will have to meet additional criteria such as appearance­s in youth competitio­ns for club and country. Manchester United’s U18 squad includes nine players born outside the UK and their head of academy Nick Cox said:

“It probably puts us at a disadvanta­ge to other European clubs.”


Sancho and Bellingham joined Dortmu Dortmund at 17 but new ru rules prevent any U18s making cr cross- border moves. m And in individual EU countries c have di different rules for non- EU playe players. Spain limits the numb number to three per matchday squad. And it will be more difficult for managers and coaches to work abroad.


The Premier League have agreed with the FA to limit clubs to signing three foreign U21 players in any window.


A parent born in Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland would allow players to obtain an EU passport and the freedom to play in the 27 member countries.


Once Covid restrictio­ns are over – and before a visa- waiver scheme is introduced in 2022 – UK nationals will be able to visit the EU for up to 90 days in any 180- day period without a visa. Trips to Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Romania will not count.

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Sancho would not have been able to join Dortmund under the new rules
A STAR IS BORN Sancho would not have been able to join Dortmund under the new rules
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