Daily Express

Lunar living

Forget January 1, next week’s first full moon of the year is the perfect time to set resolution­s and embrace your new beginnings, says lunar expert


Kirsty Gallagher

Go easy on yourself

At the beginning of the calendar year, we often feel pressure to achieve or set goals. But it can be hard to dream and create when it is so dark and grey outside and we’re all in lockdown.

Keep in mind that we’re still in the hibernatio­n phase of the year, so it’s important to move slowly and not put pressure on ourselves.

Take back your power

On January 28 there is a Leo full moon. Leo season is the time to take back our power. As the full moon approaches, take notice of any signs of new energy awakening within you. Think about what your heart is trying to tell you and act on it.

Reflect on your gifts

As Leo reminds us, we’re all brilliantl­y unique and the world needs each of us to function. Think about what you have to offer. You might be the person all your friends come to when they feel down because you can lift them up. It might be that you’re an amazing parent. Reflect on the ways you can embrace your uniqueness, instead of trying to run from it.

Lean into spring

As we move through January, the days are beginning to get longer. February 1 is the halfway point between winter solstice and spring equinox. This is a time to celebrate emerging after the long months of winter and start looking to the future again. Try to get out into nature during this time and take note of any small things which are beginning to grow, such as shoots pushing up through the ground. Let this give you hope.

Seek freedom

On February 11 there is an Aquarius new moon. Aquarius is about no longer feeling trapped and instead feeling a sense of freedom returning. It’s a wonderful new moon to start thinking about making changes in your life that will help you express yourself more.

Ask yourself where you feel held back or stuck.

Are there any places or people who don’t allow you to be yourself ? Dare to dream of a life which is free of those restrictio­ns.

Heal rifts

Aquarius is also about people coming together. Lately we have seen a lot of division in the world and are separated from loved ones because of Covid. However now is the time to heal.

Are there any situations in your life where you need to mend bridges? If so, think about how you can do that. This is a time when we will see people coming together in the world instead of being divided.

Feel the year’s energy

So many of us slipped quietly and gently into the new calendar year, as 2020 had been such a difficult time. Watch to see if the universe is trying to guide you in a particular direction this year. Make note of any areas of your life which feel as though they’re beginning to change.

Look to the future

Rather than beginning in January, the astrologic­al new year starts on March 20. Look ahead to spring and remind yourself that new beginnings are on the horizon.

As spring approaches, ask yourself what the first few months of the calendar year have brought you. Think about what you want the year to bring you. Ask yourself: How do I feel? What do I want? What’s working? What do I want to change? What do I want to keep the same? Spring is a time of fertility and of growth and potential.

Aquarius is about coming together – it is a time to heal and to build bridges

Embrace the ebb and flow

As humans, we’re cyclical beings. We’re supposed to move with nature but somehow over time we have forgotten how to do that. Instead we try to push forward all the time.

As the year unfolds, allow yourself to go with the flow of life. Sometimes you will feel like things are surging forward, other times you will feel the need to be still. Work with those feelings instead of against them.

The Lunar Living Journal by Kirsty Gallagher (£12.99, Yellow Kite) is published on March 4

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