Daily Express

When will be the right time to ease third lockdown?

- Ross Clark Political commentato­r

IN RECENT weeks we have witnessed something that had been absent since the beginning of the Covid crisis: agreement among ministers, MPs and scientific advisers. Whatever their previous views on the restrictio­ns on our everyday lives, all have been in apparent agreement: that it is well worth enduring a few more weeks in lockdown while we vaccinate the most vulnerable members of society.

But with the number of people receiving vaccinatio­ns hitting 10 million the consensus is beginning to break down. There is growing division over how and when our third national lockdown should end.

Taking a prominent role in the debate is the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, who is understand­ably concerned about the enormous damage it has done to the economy.

When Britain went into its first lockdown last March the justificat­ion was to prevent the NHS being overwhelme­d. We were locked down not to try to eliminate the virus but to lower the epidemic curve – or “flatten the sombrero” as the Prime Minister memorably put it.

SOME Conservati­ve MPs believe Sage – the Government’s committee advising on Scientific emergencie­s – doesn’t want to reopen society until the number of Covid infections has fallen away to virtually nothing. They believe this would be too economical­ly damaging – and that with vaccines dramatical­ly reducing the number of hospitalis­ations and deaths, it should be possible to get life back to normal sooner rather than later.

Speaking of the virus last September, Mr Sunak said: “We must learn to live with it without fear.” We do, after all, live with many other viruses.

We have long accepted that in a bad year flu will kill up to 20,000 Britons, but we don’t close down society to try to stop this. Not everyone feels like Mr Sunak. Some blame his Eat Out to Help Out scheme – which subsidised pub and restaurant meals last August – for reigniting the epidemic.

Others look to Australia and New Zealand and envy their “Zero Covid” approach which, for now, seems successful­ly to have eliminated the virus from their shores through tough, rapid lockdowns and strict border controls.

Life in those countries is more or less back to normal, or at least it is if you stay within their borders – overseas travel is forbidden for almost everyone.

Our Government has signalled its own admiration for the Australian approach by introducin­g compulsory hotel quarantine – which Australia has been enforcing with guards and eye-watering fines since March.

But would Zero Covid ever have been a realistic policy in Britain? Unlike Australia and New Zealand, Britain lies at the crossroads of the world. Our economy relies on thousands of lorries arriving from abroad every day. By the time the world knew about Covid, it had had a good chance to establish itself in Britain.

Moreover, if we did suppress Covid to virtually zero, how would we ever open up again? Australia and New Zealand will face this problem: if they want to maintain zero tolerance of Covid, they will never be able to relax travel restrictio­ns unless the entire world succeeds in eradicatin­g Covid-19.

TRUE, the world achieved that with smallpox, which claimed its last victim in 1978. As for most other infectious diseases, we accept that they are endemic; we merely try to control them. We certainly didn’t defeat smallpox by closing down societies and suffering huge economic damage.

The Chancellor is obviously keen to reopen Britain as soon as it is safe to do so. After all, it is his job to fill a £450billion black hole in Britain’s shattered public finances. He will also have a close eye on whether Britain has managed to avoid a double-dip recession, as the Bank of England now hopes.

Lockdowns may have saved lives, but they are also horribly expensive. They reduced the size of the UK economy last year by 8.6 per cent. And poverty, too, costs lives.

The Department of Health and Social Care came to the conclusion that economic collapse will eventually cost more “quality-adjusted life years” than the first wave of Covid.

The Government had to react to the spike in new infections last December.

It was right to lock down the country one final time to give the vaccinatio­n programme chance to work.

But as more and more people receive the vaccines and gain a high level of immunity, it is time we started to plan to get life back to normal – and not wait in the vain hope we can eradicate Covid-19 first.

‘If we suppress Covid to virtually zero, how will we open up again?’

 ??  ?? TOUGH: Chancellor Rishi Sunak has to rebuild public finances
TOUGH: Chancellor Rishi Sunak has to rebuild public finances
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