Daily Express



BRITAIN wants a green revolution to cut pollution, fight climate change and restore wildlife, says a Daily Express poll.

Two in three of us are worried by climate change and threats to nature – the same as fear for the future of the planet.

Concerns about the environmen­t far outstrip even traditiona­l political issues.

The survey of 2,167 UK adults last week by Savanta ComRes found 39 per cent concerned about local crime, with only one in ten not worried for the environmen­t.

Despite daily pandemic deaths, more people see climate change as a greater long-term threat – 26 per cent, compared with 23 per cent for the toll from Covid.

Nearly nine in ten (89 per cent) felt that improving the NHS and distributi­ng vaccines (87 per cent) were important issues for the Government. But saving wildlife, cutting pollution and using renewable energy were rated priorities by between 81 per cent and 83 per cent – about the same as opted for cutting unemployme­nt and improving education.

The figures contradict previous messages from some parties that the environmen­t is a low priority for voters, and point to a mandate for action.

Older adults are more worried about climate change and wildlife loss: 69 per cent of over-55s and 61 per cent for 18 to 34-year-olds. But young adults are nearly twice as likely as over-55s to believe that climate change, rather than the pandemic, poses the greater threat to humanity in the long term (35 per cent to 18 per cent).

There is also strong evidence the virus crisis has helped turn people to nature: three-quarters said it helped them through the pandemic. This is in line with other surveys and rising viewing figures for TV nature programmes such as Winterwatc­h – and a 2,000 per cent increase last year in people viewing webcams from Wildlife Trust reserves.

There is also strong support for the Daily Express Zero for Zero campaign to scrap taxes that punish green activities and reward polluters. Two in three (65 per cent) back increasing taxes on polluters.

Similarly, 58 per cent favour hiking taxes on products which pollute the most while 53 per cent and 52 per cent back cutting taxes for green products and firms.

Opposition to tax cuts for green products and firms is just 17 per cent.

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