Daily Express

Widow’s fury over death after ‘9-hour A&E wait’

- By John Twomey

THE widow of a former Daily Express photograph­er has slammed hospital bosses, saying he died while waiting nine hours for life-saving treatment.

Marthe Gomer says husband Barry’s death was avoidable and wants to know why he was not given a vital drug when diagnosed with a blood clot.

Barry, who worked on newspapers for 50 years including 28 at the Daily Express, was taken to Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital A&E last month after he had difficulty breathing.

He was given a blood-thinning tablet and told he needed to be put on Heparin via an intravenou­s drip as quickly as possible, his wife says.

She adds that Barry, 71, was never given Heparin.

Nine hours later, she says he collapsed and died while sitting in A&E. Marthe said: “The consultant told me that the medicine Barry needed was, for some reason, not available in A&E.


“Who knows – if he’d been given it nine hours earlier, the clot which killed him may have been reduced or dissolved.”

Marthe, 68, of Hatherleig­h, Devon, says she has since been told by a medical expert thatBarry, who died on January 25, should have been put on a Heparin intravenou­s drip as soon as a clot was diagnosed.

She said: “There was no reason why he should not have been hooked up to an IV immediatel­y.

“Barry sat there patiently, waiting his turn. They didn’t even feed him.

“At around 9pm, he asked a nurse if he could get something to eat as he’d not eaten all day.

As he stood up, he then collapsed and died. I became more and more convinced that a nine-hour wait points to an avoidable death.”

A spokesman for the hospital said: “We are deeply saddened by the death of Mr Gomer and extend our unreserved condolence­s to Mrs Gomer for her loss.

“We are in the process of completing a detailed investigat­ion into the care Mr Gomer received.”

 ??  ?? Tragedy...Barry Gomer, 71
Tragedy...Barry Gomer, 71

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