Daily Express


Evans bounces back to celebrate first ATP title

- By Neil McLeman

DAN EVANS lifted a fitting boomerang trophy after winning his first ATP title at the age of 30 – nearly three years after coming back from a potentiall­y career-ending drug ban.

But the business-like British No1 then insisted: “The proper tournament starts tomorrow”.

The Brummie triumphed in the final warm-up event before today’s Australian Open without a coach or support staff.

And in his maiden victory speech, the Aston Villa fan paid tribute to his girlfriend Aleah and his friends “for being there through some of the not so good times”.

In a rollercoas­ter career, he was hit with a one-year suspension for testing positive for cocaine in 2017 – Andy Murray said he had “blown his career” – and he returned to tennis without a ranking.

The comeback kid is now up to a career-high No26 despite splitting from his long-term coach Mark Hilton last year.And he ended a trial run with Aussie Chris Johnstone just before the first Grand Slam of the season.

But Evans insisted “I really got my game plan right” as he beat Canadian teenager Felix Auger-Aliassime 6-2, 6-3 in the final of the Murray River Open in Melbourne. He had lost his previous two finals in 2017 and 2019 and he made it third time lucky with his aggressive tactics in just 77 minutes.

“Just before my ban, I said to Hilts that the goal that year was to win a title,” he said. “Obviously, I didn’t get a chance. It’s a great feeling to win but this year I want to do well in the bigger events. My focus is on this week now. I’ve got a tough match against Cam and hopefully get through that one.”

Evans will face Cameron Norrie – the only other Briton in the men’s singles draw – in Melbourne tomorrow. And he will again have the support of Aleah and an Aussie-based mate in the stands.

“It’s been a difficult week trying to sort out all the practice, very busy, so they’ve helped,” he said. “It’s always nice to thank them.

“I’m having a bit of an issue with coaching at the minute – I’m just trying to find a coach who suits me and my game.

“I didn’t have a great two weeks’ practice. It was a bit of a reality check – don’t stray away from my game. But I feel pretty good going into Tuesday.”

 ??  ?? LUCKY THROW: Evans with the trophy after win
LUCKY THROW: Evans with the trophy after win

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