Daily Express

Downton Jabby 2 on way: Hugh

- By Laura Harding

VACCINE champion Hugh Bonneville is lobbying his Downton Abbey pals to have the jab so they can get on with the movie sequel.

Hugh, who has been volunteeri­ng as a marshal at his local centre, said: “Here’s the deal. If everybody who is offered a vaccine takes a vaccine, we can make a movie, we will make a movie.

“It’s the usual thing. The planets are circling. They are beginning to get into alignment.

“There is a thing called coronaviru­s knocking around and until that is under control, we are not going to be able to get all those ducks in a row. Mixing my metaphors here.

“But there is certainly the intention to do it.We would love to do it, we are desperate to do it.

“It’s the sort of pleasurabl­e release of a movie, like the first one, that audiences would enjoy after this mess we have been through.” Hugh, 57, who plays the Earl of Grantham, also told Zoe Ball on Radio 2 about his volunteeri­ng in West Sussex.

He said he “joined the vaccinatio­n team a few weeks ago, only to discover we were to be offered a jab as we are client-facing – seeing hundreds of people a day”.

The star added: “I took the jab, along with dozens of others in my volunteer group and thousands of others who are volunteeri­ng around the country and are very grateful for it.

“I realise that has caused some controvers­y because I’m younger than others. But I’m older than others too – and I hope I’m just doing my bit.

“We are all on the path to getting a jab and I urge everyone to take it.”

The first Downton Abbey film, also starring Jim Carter, 72, grossed more than £170million worldwide in 2019.

 ??  ?? Earl of wisdom...Hugh
Earl of wisdom...Hugh

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