Daily Express

Treasure our Spitfires


THE call for the last remaining Spitfires and Hurricanes of the Second World War to be given National Treasure status is something well worth supporting.

These fighter planes saw off the Nazi threat in the Battle of Britain and played a key role in winning our freedom.

They should not become the play things of the rich, locked up in private collection­s.

R. J. Mitchell’s brilliant design of the Spitfire in 1936 gave Britain one of its most iconic images. Let us save them for the nation and ensure the efforts of the Few are not forgotten.

MIDWIVES at Brighton Hospital have been told they must no longer use the term breastfeed­ing when dealing with transgende­r parents to be. They must instead say chest feeding. And rather than saying breast milk they’re being urged to say chest milk or human milk.

What a load of cobblers!

It’s absolutely right that as a society we should be open, accommodat­ing and inclusive of trans people. But it’s absolutely wrong to completely change accepted (and correct) medical terms to accommodat­e a tiny group that account for just one per cent of the population.

For starters there’s no such thing as chest milk. There’s milk from a woman’s breast. End of. Also these name changes open up a whole new world of grief for hard-working midwives and doctors who could be accused of offending trans people if they forget to use this ridiculous terminolog­y. The idiots who run the local health trust say this is a blow to “mainstream transphobi­a”.

No, it’s a blow to common sense!

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