Daily Express

Cold comfort chez Anne...


PRINCESS Anne posted a photo of herself and husband Sir Tim Laurence last week watching Scotland beat England in the Calcutta Cup.

But all anyone wanted to talk about was her “cosy” living room at Gatcombe Park, Glos. Well let’s be clear, it wasn’t cosy, it was tatty, old fashioned and messy. That orange flowery sofa and chair are at least 30 years old – my old Ma threw out identical ones 20 years ago. Everything else looks like it’s been bought at car boot sales.

But why would anyone expect any different? Princess Anne is very definitely the hardest working royal but she’s also notoriousl­y tight which is why she’s been wearing and recycling the same old (awful) clothes for decades.

How things look clearly does not matter to her. That living room’s proof!

SO, Meghan Markle has won her privacy case and I’m sure she’s very happy about it. Although it seems odd to me that a person can win a case without it ever going to trial, without the evidence ever being heard, tested and cross-examined and without witnesses being allowed to shed light on what has been claimed.

But, thanks to Mr Justice Warby giving what’s called a summary judgement (something Meghan’s lawyers always wanted), Meghan now won’t be cross examined in the witness box. Her father won’t be allowed to give his side of the story about the letter she wrote to him back in 2018, bits of which were published by the tabloid she sued. And we won’t find out whether or not she cooperated with the book about her and Harry, Finding Freedom.

And I suspect Meghan will be very happy about that too.

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