Daily Express


WEST BROM V MAN UTD Fernandes longing to celebrate a goal in front of the fans again

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BRUNO FERNANDES admits the gloss has been taken off the stunning start to his Manchester United career with no fans allowed in stadiums.

The midfielder has played just four matches in front of supporters at Old Trafford since joining from Sporting Lisbon a year ago.

Only three of his 30 goals for United have come in front of a crowd, with supporters locked out because of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Asked if he felt robbed of the thrill of scoring in front of fans, Fernandes said: “No, just a little bit disappoint­ed.

“As I’ve said before, coming to the Premier League and coming to play for Manchester United, the atmosphere of the game day, I’m not living that at all.

“I’m feeling the support of the fans on social media and when we can see them sometimes if I go to the supermarke­t and they say some words.

“It’s really good when you have that support and, of course, coming from the stands would be much better. When you score you want to celebrate. We have to make our own way to celebrate and make the atmosphere happy when we score as if the fans were there.

“One of the things fans told me when we started to play behind closed doors is that when we score, you need to celebrate like we’re there with you. Sometimes you’re not in the mood, but I’m trying to do it like they’re there or if they’re at home then they’re feeling that I’m happy and I’m with them.”

Second-placed United, who travel to West Brom tomorrow, are five points behind Manchester City. Despite falling behind their neighbours, Fernandes is urging his side to keep on winning to stay ahead of the chasing pack.

“If you win your games then the ones behind you will never catch you and the ones in front of you then if they drop points maybe you go closer,” he said.

“For me, it’s about being the best Manchester United we can. This is the main point so we have to look at ourselves.”

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Fernandes is mobbed after his first United goal when MEMORY
fans were able to attend
STRIKING Fernandes is mobbed after his first United goal when MEMORY fans were able to attend

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