Daily Express

My first 299 games don’t count.. only the 300th matters now


- By David Maddock

JURGEN KLOPP takes charge of Liverpool for the 300th time today as the manager with the best overall record in the club’s history.

But as he reaches another milestone when he takes his side to Leicester, the last thing on his mind is his remarkable achievemen­t in eclipsing Anfield legends Bill Shankly, Bob Paisley, Kenny Dalglish and Joe Fagan.

Klopp has a better win percentage and points per game average than those greats – even Dalglish, whose second spell in charge damaged his own imperious record.

But amid his side’s slump, the German coach admitted: “It doesn’t feel like this in the moment, I can tell you.”

In reaching 300 games he is the ninth longest-serving boss in Anfield history, and his win percentage of 59.2 tops the lot, with Dalglish, right, in his two periods next best with 58.27, Paisley 57.57 and Rafa Benitez on 56.28.

Klopp also has the best points per game record, at 2.01, with Dalglish on 2, using a uniform three points for a win. His teams have also scored more goals per game than any other manager in Reds history.

But the Liverpool boss knows that past results count for nothing.

“I know my job is the present and the future and not the past,” he said. “Game number 300 is very important to me and game 1-299, not a little bit at this moment.

“We know we are not completely clueless when we talk about football. But we know that we have to be successful in the future. That’s what we try. So first and foremost, [the record] it’s not really important. That’s something that when I’m not here any more I will think about.”

Klopp’s record would have been even more mind-blowing but for a slump since Christmas, with the champions winning just three of their past 11 matches.

“Even when I know the reason that we are not flying I expect us to win more games than we did,” said the 53-year-old. “We have 15 games to go still, so a lot of points.We will go for it and it’s not about where the others will end up, it’s just about us and we will try our absolute best to make the best season from now on.That’s our job.”

Klopp has some big decisions to make, with Fabinho ruled out today with a “slight muscle problem”.

The manager must weigh up the claims of new signings Ben Davies and Ozan Kabak in central defence.

“Calm people, both Ben and Ozan,” he said. “Great attitude. They throw themselves into everything ahead of them, which is what a defender should do.They are making big steps in adapting to the way we play. It’s all good so far. Now we have to make a decision.”

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