Daily Express

Kate praises baby bank that’s lifeline for mums in pandemic

- By News Reporter

THE Duchess of Cambridge chats to parents and workers at a baby bank that has become a lifeline in the pandemic.

During a video call chat with the charity’s clients, three-year-old Isla upstaged her mother Vicky Jones by saying hello to Kate, 39, and telling her: “I’m a princess today!”

Vicky described how the charity’s volunteers welcomed her like a friend and she did not “feel judged” when she walked through the door.

She was introduced to Little Village, which is based in London, after becoming a single parent. Kate told her: “It must be such a lifeline to you to have a support network like this, not only for you but also for your daughter as well.

“Because, you know, looking after yourself as a mum is just as important and it’s great that you’ve got the supportive Little Village for the practical things but also the emotional things as well...help you do the best job you possibly can.”

The duchess also spoke to Little Village founder Sophia Parker on a separate video call and was told the charity had adapted to the pandemic by retraining their volunteers, who have made more than 7,000 calls to families.

Since its launch in 2016, Little Village has supported more than 11,000 children and grown into one of the largest baby banks in the UK.

Sophia said: “Families simply don’t have enough money to cover the basics so I think it’s really important that we address those needs.

“But equally I also think we have to be really mindful about the mental health of the parents and the children as well.”

 ??  ?? Princesses together... Kate chats to Isla, 3, and her mum Vicky, right
Princesses together... Kate chats to Isla, 3, and her mum Vicky, right
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 ??  ?? Charity’s founder...Sophia Parker
Charity’s founder...Sophia Parker

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