Daily Express

Join our campaign to keep the kingdom united


OUR United Kingdom is in peril. Today, the Daily Express publishes the results of opinion polls highlighti­ng the threat to rip apart the four diverse parts of the UK that have formed the world’s most successful political union.And the destructiv­e clamour from the separatist­s is growing louder.

In Scotland, SNP First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is intent on demanding another independen­ce referendum. Mark Drakeford, her Labour counterpar­t in Wales, claims the UK as we know it is finished.And in Northern Ireland, pressure is growing for a border poll that could cast a cloud over the province’s future.

Yet in England, some voters appear worryingly indifferen­t about the prospect of parts of the UK breaking away.

Over the last year, the pandemic has intensifie­d the strains on national unity and confusion about national identity. Devolved administra­tions may have exploited the crisis, deliberate­ly pursuing different lockdown timescales and policies simply to diverge from Westminste­r.

With crucial elections for the devolved assemblies due to be held in May, the UK is facing its biggest constituti­onal crisis in generation­s.

The Daily Express has always believed the UK is stronger than the sum of its parts economical­ly, culturally and in terms of global influence. That is why it is today launching its Unite The Kingdom crusade to urge politician­s and public figures who share our view to proudly make the positive case for strengthen­ing the UK.

Amid the warnings, our poll gives cause for hope. There are signs the tide may be turning against the separatist­s.

But ultimately, the argument can only be won if the benefits of staying together are promoted and celebrated in every corner of the UK. The hour has come to Unite The Kingdom.

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