Daily Express

I’m a royalist at heart but Harry deserves better


GOOD MORNING everyone. While you’re reading this I’m in hospital, having some tests to find out how my cancer is going. It’s something I’m sure a lot of you will have done or are doing.

Sadly cancer seems to be more prevalent than ever and when you’re having tests your mind is all over the place. So I’m sending out positive thoughts to all those of you who are battling with this disease at the moment.

It never fails to amaze me that those in the medical profession treating us just get on and do the job they’re facing every day. It must be so stressful. I wish them all well and thank them from the bottom of my heart.

But life goes on and I just wanted to say a little bit about the Royal Family. I thought Meghan and Harry on Oprah were great. They came across as a loving couple who are trying to make the best out of what must be a very difficult life. No, don’t get me wrong: I am a staunch royalist, whatever that means – the Royal Family are what makes this country different, but modernisat­ion is needed.

The way they had to cut Harry off proved that their advisers are useless. Harry is not going to be king and Meghan is not going to be queen, but they can do a lot of good in promoting this country. Why so much hatred is directed against them I will never know.

My suggestion is to leave them alone. And Your Majesty, if I may be so bold, I ask you to reinstate Harry and his military connection­s.

He is a man who has risked his life for this country by his military service.

Not many of his detractors would have the guts to do that. Please give him back the one thing I think he misses.

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