Daily Express

Speaking up for Royals


THE race claims made by Prince Harry and Meghan against the Royal Family shook the country to its core. Such damaging and ill-judged remarks by the Sussexes at the start of the week have had an impact and caused much sadness.

However, leading black and minority ethnic figures have come forward to defend the Royal Family, and Prince Charles in particular.

The testimony from Karen Gibson, who led the gospel choir that sang at Meghan and Harry’s wedding – invited to perform by the Prince of Wales – and others underlines that he, along with his mother the Queen, has been at the forefront of trying to encourage community relations and end inequality.

JUST to confirm the world has gone bonkers Vogue magazine reckons the phrase “niggling worry” in relation to Meghan is racist. The magazine criticised the front page headline of a tabloid which used the word to signpost an article inside. Do the woke fashion flunkies at Vogue not have access to a dictionary? Don’t the little darlings know that niggling means “persistent annoyance” and has no racist connotatio­n whatsoever? That said “persistent annoyance” sums up these idiots who create racism when there is none.

JWELL! I never thought my husband would have anything in common with Michael Gove. Turns out they’re like peas in a pod, in one respect at least. Last weekend, in an interview with Sir Tom Jones, the headline read “My two-year affair with Mary Wilson”. Richard peered at it.

“Blimey. I never knew Tom had a thing going with Harold Wilson’s missus.” Turns out the Minister for the Cabinet Office, right, said the same thing to his wife on the same morning, as she revealed in her own newspaper column.

Had neither heard of Mary Wilson of The Supremes? Bless ’em.

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