Daily Express

Britain’s trading success should silence naysayers


BRITAIN’S Internatio­nal Trade Secretary Liz Truss is in many ways the lottery ticket which keeps winning for this country. As she tours the world the minister’s charm and desire to get business done seem to bring with her an endless trail of trade deals with countries desperate to have better links with our great country.

No wonder, along with the Chancellor Rishi Sunak, Ms Truss is talked of as a possible future Prime Minister. Her extraordin­ary success is currently unmatched and time and again she has proven the Remainer doommonger­s (or are they Rejoiners now?) completely wrong.

Remember when they said a trade deal with the US would not happen? Remember when they pointed to Barack Obama’s quotes about Britain being at the back of the queue? Well free of the EU it turns out that the US, even led by Obama’s then vice president Joe Biden, is desperate to do a deal with Britain.

The interview given by Ms Truss to the Daily Express today shows that we are well underway in getting a US/UK trade deal done. Fantastic news for both countries.

With a US trade deal on top of the scores of others she has secured around the world including with Japan and probable entry to the huge Trans Pacific Partnershi­p, we no longer will need the EU.This is fortunate indeed because as we proffered the hand of friendship leaving the protection­ist bloc its leaders have rejected it.

Having tried to block vaccines coming into the UK, then made up lies about Britain blocking vaccines and false allegation­s about Brexit breaches, the EU is now looking to apparently start a trade war in revenge.This is truly regrettabl­e – but at least we are no longer in the clutches of the Eurocrats.

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