Daily Express

Truth is, we can’t have an opinion


THE problem with that interview is that no matter what allegation­s Meghan and Harry made – from the tiniest to the most controvers­ial and the blatantly untrue (many of them have already been disproved) they were never once challenged by woefully ill-informed Oprah Winfrey whose idea of forensic interviewi­ng was to throw her hands onto her face and say “whaaaaaat?”

And those of us who dared to ask for corroborat­ion, proof of the couple’s racist and bullying claims – two of the most hideous accusation­s you can ever lob at a person or organisati­on – were slated as racists.

As one black commentato­r said this week: “If Meghan says she suffered racism in the Palace – then she did. Anyone who suggests otherwise is not black.”

So let’s get this right – that means anyone who is brown, black or of mixed race can make any racist allegation they like without evidence, without proof, without context, without names

– and they must automatica­lly be believed?

And anyone with a white skin must not have an opinion on those racism claims because if they do, it means they are, by default, racists.

And we’re sure as hell not allowed to say we don’t believe the claims because that’s racist too. All of which boils down to the fact that Meghan can tell “her truth” but none of us are entitled to an opinion on the veracity of what she says.

As of this week we don’t have the right to disbelieve her about anything.

And if we do – we’ll be sacked or cancelled.

BORIS looks like he’s about to do a U-turn on nurses’ pay. But whatever he gives them now just looks like he’s reacting to public anger over the piddling one per cent rise and criticism of his and Carrie’s lavish spending on their Downing Street flat. Neither of which has anything to do with the back-breaking work the nurses put in on the front line during the pandemic.

Any increase now won’t be appreciate­d or welcomed because it just looks like a move to cover Boris’s backside, not an appreciati­on of what nurses have done – and are still doing – during this pandemic.

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