Daily Express

Harry’s royal appointmen­ts


WELL, at least he’s working, but let’s face it, Prince Harry’s two new jobs aren’t down to his capabiliti­es or qualificat­ions. The man has the intellectu­al capacity of a Box of Shreddies – five years at Eton and all he managed was a B in art and a D in geography.

The bloke who said he was leaving the Royal Family and striking out on his own only landed these jobs – Chief Impact Officer (er, what?) and “Commission­er” with a trendy think tank working on an Informatio­n Disorder study (nope, me neither) – by exploiting his status as a royal Prince, a position he assured us all he was desperate to escape.

I’m betting Haz won’t have a real role in either company other than to be wheeled out at conference­s to deliver the odd speech, which will have been written by people way cleverer than him. I wonder, when he’s sipping his wheatgrass juice in bonkers LA, if he hankers after the days when he was doing real life-changing work with wounded veterans as opposed to silly jobs with silly names?

LORRAINE Kelly has been savaged on social media after a conversati­on with Body Coach star Joe Wicks, where she said: “We’re becoming a nation of fatsos.”

She’s actually wrong there. We’re not becoming a nation of fatsos, we already ARE a nation of fatsos. Nearly 65 per cent of the population is either overweight or obese. And obesity is the single biggest threat to our NHS.

These are the facts and if the Twitter mob don’t like it – tough!

SO, LAST Sunday night I got the popcorn out, poured the wine and waited excitedly for the much heralded return of Line Of Duty. Twenty minutes in I’d fallen asleep. I wasn’t just bored, I didn’t know what the hell anyone was talking about and spent most of the time I was awake googling abbreviati­ons like CHIS, AFO, ARU, DIR and MIT. And DCI Jo Davidson – no way am I buying her as a tough cop. She looks more like someone who should be running the Musselburg­h branch of the WI. As for Steve Arnott’s dodgy London accent, it’s more ridiculous than ever. So far the series hasn’t lived up to the hype. It needs to get better. Much better.

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