Daily Express

Babysitter gets life for toddler murder

- By Matthew Cooper Picture: PA

A BABYSITTER who shook and beat to death a 21-month-old girl has been jailed for life.

Sean Sadler, 32, inflicted fatal brain injuries on Lilly Hanrahan in the assault and failed to seek medical help for three hours.

He also made “shameful and cowardly” attempts to cover up his role in her death.

Sadler was ordered to serve a minimum of 20 years after Birmingham Crown Court heard the murder was the culminatio­n of a string of offences linked to his “uncontroll­able temper”.

Jurors heard Lilly was shaken and beaten with such violence that she suffered broken bones.

She died in hospital in November 2017, three days after being in Sadler’s sole care.

He began a relationsh­ip with Lilly’s guardian earlier in 2017, becoming a regular visitor to the home and often staying overnight.

Sadler, of Northfield, Birmingham, denied murder.

He claimed Lilly had fallen asleep on the sofa after watching TV.

He said he later called an ambulance when he was unable to wake her. Mr Justice Saini told him : “You

Callous...Lilly suffered her fatal brain injuries in brutal attack by Sadler, left are an accomplish­ed liar. You delayed seeking medical help for a number of hours and in doing so showed callous indifferen­ce to Lilly’s suffering.

“It must have been obvious she was seriously hurt.

“This was a brutal assault, on any view, and you have shown no remorse.”

The court was told Sadler had four previous conviction­s for battery offences, including an attack on his then partner with a dog chain.

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