Daily Express



CLIMATE change, climate change. I’m fed up with hearing about it. The climate has always changed – though I accept mankind and our technology advances are not helping.

I cannot believe that this Government is pushing harder than anywhere else to become carbon neutral. This will cost a lot of money for a lot of people who can’t afford it.

At the moment, unless of course you bring down the price of electric cars, solar panels and all the rest of it, until you address the problems of China, America and other large nations where the population­s are double or treble our own, what is the point?

If we got rid of all our fossil fuel, our diesel and petrol cars and took away our log burners, it would make no difference at all if the rest of the world carries on as usual. Politician­s surely need to make every country adhere to what we are going to do.

Then I would be on board with you right away because I agree we need to save the planet. Eventually, if mankind continues to reproduce the way we are doing, the planet will probably kick us off like dogs’ fleas. But cleaning the planet up, getting rid of the enormous amount of waste, stopping people dropping litter and locking up the graffiti artists messing up the centre of towns and cities would be a start.

And let’s stop buying everything from China. I’m told even the test and trace system equipment is coming from China.

Politician­s, you have got to wake up.

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