Daily Express

Expressyou­rs SPRING INTO SHAPE PART ON Los poun E those lockdown ds... in two weeks!

Shake off any extra weight with our easy-to-follow eating plan. Caroline Jones explains how making a few small changes to your diet can help you shift that extra weight, lose up to 7lb in a fortnight and make you feel great


If you’ve piled on a few Covid pounds over the last year you’re far from alone. Around two-thirds of people told a survey by food brand SlimFast that they were heavier now than 12 months ago, with the average person gaining 7lb-14lb.

“It’s no wonder we’ve noticed some weight gain,” says nutritioni­st Linda Foster. “The pandemic’s unique but toxic combinatio­n of stress, loneliness and financial worries has led to many of us comfort-eating junk food and drinking more alcohol, while gym closures and restrictio­ns on going outside have put a stop to many exercise routines.”

But help is at hand.

Now the weather is warming up and lockdown rules are slowly lifting, it’s time to wave goodbye to that extra weight once and for all with our simple but effective diet and exercise plan.

Today, you’ll find your tasty meal planner with nutritiona­l advice, and tomorrow your exclusive exercise plan, plus delicious smoothie recipes.


The healthiest and most effective way to lose excess weight is to swap processed foods, such as ready meals and sugary snacks, for home-cooked meals high in protein, wholegrain carbohydra­tes, pulses and fruit and vegetables.

We’ve packed our two-week plan (which can be safely followed for longer) with calorie-controlled, protein-rich lean meat, nuts, fish and eggs, as there’s evidence that eating protein can help you to slim by keeping you fuller for longer and maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Our plan has plenty of high-fibre, starchy carbs such as porridge, wholemeal bread, brown rice, beans and oats. These foods are satisfying and release energy slowly.

Plus, it is low in fat, especially saturates (animal fats that are linked with heart disease) but it still includes heart-healthy unsaturate­d fats such as those found in oil-rich fish, avocado and olive oil.

Every delicious day is packed with fruit and vegetables, which are low in fat and calories but high in fibre, vitamins, minerals and offer healthprot­ective antioxidan­ts which counteract disease.

And of course, we’ve made sure all the recipes are easy to make, don’t require hard-to-find ingredient­s and taste delicious. So get started today to slip into spring feeling slimmer, healthier and more energised.

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