Daily Express

Male physio asked his patient to take top off

- By Mark Reynolds

A PHYSIO has been struck off after asking a female patient to flash her breasts at him.

Aman Kumar told the woman, “Don’t take this the wrong way but you have a really nice body” as he massaged her.

He then asked her to do him “a favour” before miming for her to take her top off.

He has now been kicked out of the profession after being found guilty of sexual misconduct.

A disciplina­ry panel heard that Mr Kumar was working as a physio for a private company, Ascenti, in the Yorkshire and Lincolnshi­re region when the incident happened in 2018.


The Health and Care Profession­s Tribunal Service hearing was told his victim – known as Patient A – had needed treatment for a shoulder injury she had suffered in a car crash.

She saw Mr Kumar for physio sessions three times. On the final appointmen­t he suggested a full back massage.

Mr Kumar claimed his comments about her body were meant as a “compliment” and denied suggesting she showed him her breasts.

However, the panel found his actions were “sexually motivated and in clear breach of profession­al boundaries”.

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