Daily Express

Loved ones say: Learn lessons

- By Chris Riches

GRIEVING families last night demanded “lessons be learned” after Sir John Saunders’ blistering Arena security report findings.

Crusading Figen Murray, mother of Martyn Hett, 29, said: “I am really so, so humbled to see the whole report is steeped in deep respect for us as families.

“The past nine months have been extremely difficult for all the families as we listened to what happened that night.

“But now we are one step closer to ensuring that a difference can be made.

“Now the recommenda­tions have to be acted upon by the Government, so that all venues have security and that no other families have to go through what we have.”


Martyn’s father Paul Hett said: “We entrusted the lives of our loved ones to organisati­ons who we believed had a duty of care to protect them.

“This inquiry has rightly found that we were failed by them on every level.

“This atrocity should and could have been prevented, and 22 people would not have lost their lives.”

Paul Price, partner to victim Elaine McIver, 43 – a police detective constable – said it should not have been so simple for Abedi to attack.

Mr Price said: “There were failings on the night but the weeks, months before made it easy for him and it shouldn’t have been so easy.”

Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham said: “The report will make for difficult reading for many – no one more so than those bereaved or injured.

“All of the organisati­ons involved owe it to them to face up fully to Sir John’s findings and make the changes needed.

“The country was underprepa­red for an attack of this nature outside London.”

 ??  ?? Loss...Paul Hett outside court
Loss...Paul Hett outside court

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