Daily Express

Deluded Macron should look much close to home


THE NOT-terribly-bright French president Emmanuel Macron tells us from Cornwall that Northern Ireland is not after all part of the UK. If you go to France and suggest that the quite separate island of Corsica is not French you will soon be involved in a shouting match.

Even more weirdly, the island of Reunion at the bottom end of the Indian Ocean is also a French constituen­cy. As are Guadeloupe and Martinique stuck away in the Caribbean.

In short, there are bits of metropolit­an France all over the world. The solemn treaty that granted 26 of the 32 counties of the island of Ireland independen­ce as the Republic while six of the nine counties of Ulster remained British stays intact.

Monsieur Macron is now back in France where he can cope with the Corsican independen­ce movement.

Ain’t life fun?

NOW THAT it is over and the columns of limousines have wafted their over-spoiled charges back to their airports and home, it is hard to see what the G7 bunfight on the Cornish coast actually achieved.

It cost us all a small fortune, President Biden’s 17-vehicle motorcade generated more eco-gunk than the rest of the tourist season and the speeches enough hot air to change the climate. But for the rest?

THANKS to the CO there is a notice on our front door announcing that “all you need is love and a dog”. To prove her point the lady has three – all Jack Russells, a breed known for their fierce loyalty and courage. Except, it would seem the third and youngest.

If King Kong appeared in a threatenin­g mode the puppy would fight like Shere Khan, but there are limits as the heatwave has revealed.

Heat brings flies and in the kitchen a fly-zapper has been installed. It is a luminous tube like a neon light that attracts them. But the moment a fly touches the bulb it dies with a crack like a pistol shot.

At which puppy breaks all known land speed records to the end of the garden, leaving half a bowl of food – unheard of – behind her. An invading monster – not a problem. But a vaporised bluebottle is apparently terrifying.

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