Daily Express

Sadist found guilty of murdering vice girls 21 years apart

- By John Twomey

A KILLER is facing the rest of his life in jail for the murders of two victims 21 years apart.

Police now fear that sadistic Gary Allen – who boasted how inflicting pain made him “feel good” – may be responsibl­e for a series of other violent assaults across the country.

Allen, 47, strangled sex worker Samantha Class, 29, in 1997. The mother-of-three was stamped on, ran over by a car and dumped in the Humber around eight miles from Hull.

He was tried and cleared of her murder in 2000, but the acquittal was quashed last year after he was charged with murdering Alena Grlakova, 38, in Rotherham, in 2018.

Yesterday jurors at Sheffield Crown Court convicted Allen, of Hull, of both killings.

The trial heard that just weeks after he was acquitted of murdering Ms Class in February 2000, Allen assaulted two

women in separate attacks in Plymouth, for which he was convicted and jailed.

In prison he told a probation worker of his loathing of women, and sex workers in particular.

He admitted to violent fantasies involving prostitute­s: “I like to frighten them. I like to cause pain…It makes me feel good.”

Following Allen’s release in 2010, in a sting by Humberside Police, he confided to an undercover officer how he had killed a

sex worker: “I strangled her… dumped her in the Humber.”

Speaking outside court, Ms Class’s daughter, Sophia, said: “My mum violently and brutally lost her life and our lives were turned upside down. Our family unit was broken into pieces.”

Ms Grlakova’s husband said: “The verdict will not reduce the pain and suffering that we have had to endure.”

Allen is due to be sentenced next week.

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 ??  ?? Alena Grlakova, left, and Samantha Class, right were killed by Allen
Alena Grlakova, left, and Samantha Class, right were killed by Allen

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