Daily Express

Toxic fall of respect for our protectors

- LEO McKINSTRY Daily Express columnist

TWO contrastin­g sides of Britain have been on display this week.

On Monday at Wimbledon, the crowd gave a heartfelt standing ovation to special guest Dame Sarah Gilbert, the visionary leader of the Oxford Zeneca vaccine team.

It was a touching moment that encapsulat­ed the gratitude of a nation. Yet only the day before, another heroic, dedicated public servant had endured a very different experience.

As he walked through a central London park, the Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty was manhandled by two thugs, who grabbed hold of him as they photograph­ed their harassment.

The appalling incident, which is not the first time that Professor Whitty has been accosted by assailants, led to widespread condemnati­on.

It is profoundly disturbing that this kind of shameful episode should happen in our country, especially to an honourable figure whose hallmark is his calm, stoical sense of duty.

Such contempt for those who serve the public is becoming all too common, as epitomised in the surge of assaults on police officers, NHS profession­als, ambulance crews, firefighte­rs and shop workers.

There is a worrying sense of a breakdown in respect for our protectors as the civic realm becomes increasing­ly toxic.

At the height of the Second World War in 1941, George Orwell wrote that “the gentleness of English civilisati­on is its most marked characteri­stic”.

Eighty years later, how hollow those words sound, given that our society is increasing­ly plagued by violence and intimidati­on.

The thuggery inflicted on Professor Whitty is matched by the poisonous mood in the Batley and Spen by-election, one of the nastiest contests of modern times.

The tone was set when a mob of Islamist extremists drove an innocent teacher out of his job at Batley Grammar for supposed blasphemy. Against that backdrop, where neither the political parties nor the authoritie­s were willing to defend him, the by-election campaign has been dominated by sectariani­sm and fear, with particular abuse targeted at the Labour candidate Kim Leadbeater – sister of the late MP Jo Cox, who was murdered by a far-Right maniac in 2016.

Batley is part of a worrying pattern. Earlier this month, respected BBC correspond­ent Nick Watt was chased by an angry group of anti-lockdown protesters during a demonstrat­ion in Downing Street.

In April Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer was aggressive­ly ejected from a Bath pub by a landlord. We live in an increasing­ly polarised society, where hard core elements appear to think that their vengeful rage is legitimate. Indeed, in this dark climate, the deeper the selfrighte­ous fury, the more justified the action, no matter how threatenin­g or destructiv­e.

This attitude is fed by the fashionabl­e cult of victimhood that has helped to create an army of self-pitying cry bullies.

Just as damaging is the cancel culture, where anything deemed offensive should be silenced or censored. Open debate, freedom of expression and respect for other voices are disappeari­ng under a wave of divisive infantile hysteria, which in turn is fuelled by social media full of conspiracy theories, simplistic politics and vicious witch-hunts.

Too many of our institutio­ns, instead of standing up for order and civility, collude with extremism, dressing up their cowardice as a form of inclusion.

It can only be hoped that, before we slide further into the gutter, the outrage over the treatment of Professor Whitty might mark a turning point.

The man who has played such a part in pulling us through the Covid crisis deserves far better.

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Contrast...Dame Sarah gets ovation

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