Daily Express

People need cheap healthy meals not higher food bills

- Ross Clark Political commentato­r

IT is not hard to see why the Government thought it needed a National Food Strategy, published yesterday. Even before the pandemic, figures showed a sad picture of a nation eating itself to unhealthy lives and early deaths. In 2018/19 there were 11,117 hospital admissions directly related to obesity and 876,000 admissions where obesity was a factor.

It is hard to recognise today’s Britain from 1960s photograph­s not just because the vehicles and buildings have changed but because the people have ballooned. In 2018/19, 67 per cent of men and 60 per cent of women were overweight or obese. More worrying is that 20 per cent of kids in the last year of junior school were obese.

And this was before the sedentary lifestyles forced on us by lockdown. At the same time, obesity proved to be a big factor in Covid deaths. According to one study, people with a body mass index (BMI) of between 35 and 40 had a 40 per cent greater chance of dying from the disease, while those with a BMI of over 40 had a 90 per cent greater chance of dying.

How tempting, then, to think we need the Government to step in and change our diets.

THE National Food Strategy, produced by food tsar Henry Dimbleby, certainly proposes greater interventi­on. It suggests a tax of £3 per kilogram on sugar and £6 per kilogram on salt. It calls for GPs to be allowed to prescribe fresh fruit and vegetables, and wants meat consumptio­n to fall by 30 per cent. The report claims these measures would reduce our average food intake by 38 calories per day, allowing us to lose an average of 4.4 pounds (2 kg) a year.

Sorry, but I am not convinced – and neither was the Prime Minister, who appeared to rule out such taxes yesterday. The only certainty is that it would increase the food bill paid by Britain’s poorest households.

According to the TaxPayers’ Alliance the extra tax could raise food bills by £172 annually. A jar of strawberry jam would go up from £1.25 to £1.82, for example.

There is a big difference between existing “sin” taxes on alcohol and tobacco and proposing to lump them on food. No one strictly needs to smoke or to drink alcohol, but we do all need to eat, and even a healthy diet contains a certain amount of fat, salt and sugar.

Dimbleby’s report cites the existing tax on sugary drinks – introduced in 2018 – as a success. In order to avoid the levy, drinks companies reformulat­ed their products, leading to sugar content falling by a third.

But it was accompanie­d by a rise in consumptio­n of sugary drinks. In other words people seem to have compensate­d for less-sugary drinks by drinking more of them. Ultimately, we are not going to regulate people’s weight through taxes on food – unless taxes are so high that they make food unaffordab­le for some, in which case the poorest will end up under-nourished. We will only tackle obesity by encouragin­g people to use their own sense of personal responsibi­lity.

To do this it helps to be honest about obesity and how it affects people’s health. Look at the success of the Government’s anti-smoking campaigns, which have reduced the percentage of smokers in the adult population from over 50 per cent in the mid 1970s to fewer than 15 per cent now. True, tobacco taxes have risen, but more to the point is the brutal honesty of anti-smoking campaigns.

With obesity, on the other hand, efforts to remind people of the dangers of being overweight have tended to be met with claims of “fat-shaming”. A committee of MPs even called for the whole concept of BMI to be abolished in favour of a “healthy at every size” approach – which seems to assert the false idea that being obese needn’t be bad for you.

NO ONE wants children insulted in the playground over their weight, but we need to be blunt that being overweight may lead to diabetes, heart disease, cancer and many other conditions.

As for having doctors prescribe fruit and vegetables, if we want fresh fruit and vegetables to be cheaper and more widely available, one thing which would help would be to develop an industry which allows fresh food to be grown year-round, locally, in large glasshouse­s.

But that isn’t going to happen as a result of this report, which tries to push a climate change agenda as well as an anti-obesity one, demanding less intensive agricultur­e, something which would make us more dependent on expensive imported food.

The Government should certainly be developing a national food security policy. But other than that, responsibi­lity for our weight really lies with no one but ourselves.

‘We will only tackle obesity by encouragin­g responsibi­lity’

 ?? Picture: GETTY ?? NANNY STATE: The National Food Strategy report proposes taxes on sugar and salt in food
Picture: GETTY NANNY STATE: The National Food Strategy report proposes taxes on sugar and salt in food
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