Daily Express

I’ve started chemo for breast cancer, says Netflix star, 19

- By Laura Harding

ACTRESS Miranda McKeon says she is trying “to find the beauty” in her situation after starting chemothera­py.

The 19-year-old revealed last month that she is suffering from a rare form of cancer and said the chances of a diagnosis at her age are “one in a million”.

Having begun her treatment, the Anne With An E star said she is “managing as best as I can”. She added: “I’m making it my job to find the beauty in all of this. I don’t think anyone would choose this. But I’m making it my job to try and pull something out of this.”

Miranda, who plays Josie Pye in the Netflix drama, said she discovered a lump on her breast when she was in the bathroom adjusting her shirt. She was spending the weekend at a beach house with friends.

She added: “I had the thought that, ‘Wow, this is the moment’. I immediatel­y went to the worst-case scenario.This is the moment where everything changes and there’s no going back. “After going down a Google rabbit hole, my mind was at ease because I didn’t think anything could be wrong because of my age.” However, Miranda still went to a doctor. She underwent an ultrasound and a biopsy on the lump. She said: “They were more concerned than they let on. I didn’t think anything of it, to the point where I flew to San Francisco. I had just touched down and I got the call that the biopsy came back positive.” Her cancer is at stage three because it has spread to her lymph nodes, but she is trying not to focus on that. She added: “Although I don’t have the easiest case scenario, I never had a moment where I was like, ‘Am I going to die from this?’ It’s been more like, ‘We’re going to treat this and solve it’.”

 ??  ?? Miranda bravely faces chemothera­py
Miranda bravely faces chemothera­py

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