Daily Express

Careful balancing act needed to keep inflation at bay

- Stephen Pollard Political commentato­r

AFTER the 16 months we’ve all endured, it’s easy to fall into a cycle of gloom. Sometimes it seems as if the pandemic will never end, and that’s without even considerin­g the terrible impact on NHS waiting lists and the collapse of the economy, which contracted by an astonishin­g 9.8 per cent in 2020 – worse than any other G7 country.

But two sets of figures make a very different point, and should help us to remember that we are certainly not doomed forever, or even the near future.

First are those very encouragin­g statistics for infections, which have shown an unexpected but nonetheles­s steady fall – although we don’t yet know whether this is just a blip or whether we really are past the peak of this third wave.

But the second bit of good news seems more certain. According to a prediction from the respected forecaster­s the EY Item Club, the economy is set to surge by 7.6 per cent this year – the fastest growth rate since 1941. That’s much faster than previous prediction­s and means we will be back at prepandemi­c levels by December. Last year the same forecaster­s said it would take until 2024 for us to make a full recovery, so it is encouragin­g news.

IN PART because of the vaccine rollout, consumer spending has shot back in recent months. The forecaster­s say the reopening of shops, bars and restaurant­s is driving us to go out and spend some of the £200billion that we saved during the pandemic.

It has long been fashionabl­e to criticise the economy’s dependence on consumer spending. The sudden collapse forced by lockdown seemed to give credence to that view – we were hit worse than other countries because our economy was far more vulnerable to the consequenc­es. But we are now seeing the corollary to that. With consumer spending making a comeback, the opposite is happening – our recovery is going to be quicker than elsewhere.

That, crucially, is giving business more confidence to plan for the long term. One of the most damaging economic consequenc­es of the pandemic was collapse in investment. Entirely understand­ably, businesses retrenched to survive and then waited to see how long it would be before it became sensible to start planning to expand again. We now appear to have arrived at that point, with the EY Item Club expecting a 12.9 per cent increase in business investment next year. That should make up for all the missed investment over the past year and a half.

So things are looking bright. But… and there’s always a “but” when it comes to the economy. One of the mechanisms that helped avert disaster was the furlough scheme. By June, it had cost £65.9billion – and by the time it ends on September 30, that cost will be even higher. What we simply don’t know is the impact of its closure. If it has worked as hoped, businesses will be able to take advantage of the growing economy and retain their staff. But it is possible many employers will feel unable to do that and lay people off.

There is a further problem. We’ve all heard about the “pingdemic”. The rules change next month but, until then, millions of workers will have had to miss work – and that has an impact on the economy. Couple it with the existing labour shortage and you have a recipe for trouble. Ask any restaurate­ur, hotelier or bar owner and they’ll tell you how difficult it is to recruit staff. That’s partly because of the relative shortage of immigrant workers they used to rely on, and also because some people have decided since lockdown

that they no longer want to work the unsociable hours of the hospitalit­y industry.

The key trouble can be summed up in one word: inflation. At its most basic level, if businesses can’t hire staff they have to offer higher wages to entice people. And that gets passed on to consumers. That was one of the underlying problems with the economy in the 1960s and ’70s, which led to economic disaster.

THE risk of inflation has been made worse by President Biden deliberate­ly inflating the already recovering US economy by borrowing trillions of dollars to be spent. US inflation is 5.4 per cent – and when the US sneezes, they say, the UK catches a cold.

Quite apart from the intrinsic problems of inflation – which it took us a hugely painful decade to deal with under Mrs Thatcher – it could force a rise in interest rates, with all the deleteriou­s consequenc­es of that.

Yes, the overall picture is encouragin­g. But much will depend on whether policy makers can balance demand and supply, if the recovery isn’t to be stopped dead in its tracks by inflation.

‘The economy is set to surge much faster than previous prediction­s’

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 ??  ?? SHOP OR DROP: Increased consumer spending means our recovery is likely to quicken
SHOP OR DROP: Increased consumer spending means our recovery is likely to quicken

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