Daily Express

Dancing with the Queen, kisses from baby George… and a roasting from Philip

Top royal protection officer on the ups, and a few downs, of guarding the Royal Family

- By Alison James Lombardibe­spoketours@yahoo.com

IT WAS summer 2008 and Inspector David Lombardi had just completed a distinguis­hed period of service for the Diplomatic Protection Group looking after foreign dignitarie­s and politician­s. An ambitious and dedicated officer, he had worked his way up through the ranks of the Metropolit­an Police since joining in 1985, at the age of 24.

In what he now describes as a dream come true, David had left London for Balmoral, the royals’ Scottish retreat, to take up a new post as a Royal Protection Officer. Now part of the elite team who guard the royal palaces when the family is in residence, David was counting his lucky stars as he walked the short distance from his new office to his police vehicle.

As he crossed the stable yard, the Inspector suddenly became aware of a woman walking towards him. First he registered the headscarf, then the tweed jacket and jodhpurs, and lastly the riding boots as he realised he was standing face-to-face with the Queen, back early from a ride on the estate.

“I immediatel­y saluted – or ‘chucked-oneup’ as we called it,” says David, laughing at the memory. “She gave me a slight smile and tilted her head in acknowledg­ement.

“I couldn’t stop thinking that this was the most famous woman in the world with a lineage going back 1,000 years and here I was passing the time of day with her.”

That sense of awe he felt on meeting his new employer stayed with David throughout his seven years of duty. “In all the time I worked as a Royal Protection Officer, I never got over that feeling.”

He was in charge of 60 officers who travelled with the royals to homes around the country – Buckingham Palace, St James’s Palace,Windsor Castle and Balmoral, where he would spend a couple of months each year.

During that time he danced with the Queen, sneaked Princes William and Harry out on to The Mall the night before William’s wedding to Kate Middleton, joked with Prince Charles and was blown kisses by baby Prince George.

It is a far cry from David’s humble upbringing in Lambeth, south London. He dreamed of being in a rock band but the elusive recording contract never materialis­ed so he joined the Civil Service, yet after a year he was looking for a change.

“I decided to join the police. I had a friend in the Met and it sounded quite exciting,” says David, 60, who lives with his wife Louise and their children, Mia, 29, and Alex, 27, in Banstead, Surrey.

He had no idea then where that might lead. But he insists that the Queen is a great boss.

“If the Queen saw you out and about, she would often talk to you – about the weather, what she’d seen on her ride, perhaps, or the gardens,” says David. “You’d never start chatting to her but she didn’t like it if you tried to hide away. There would be lots of interactio­n. The royals are really quite normal, very nice and down to earth.”

David was the police officer who sanctioned

Harry and William’s outing on to The Mall on the eve of the royal wedding in April 2011.

“Big crowds were gathered outside Clarence House and William and Harry wanted to go out and meet them,” says David. “They asked me if they could. Having done what is known as a dynamic risk assessment, I decided it was safe. I arranged for the gates to be opened and they mingled with the crowds for a while.

“I went out with them to keep an eye on everything. It was joyous and one of my most cherished memories of my time with the royals.”

Now a guide who builds his experience­s with the royals into his London tours, David is immensely proud ofWilliam and Kate’s gift of a slice of their wedding cake in a beautifull­y engraved tin.

“I’ve never been tempted to have a taste,” he says, laughing. “People have suggested that I could sell it and make a fortune but I would never do that. It would be like selling

a piece of history in addition to betraying William’s trust.Along with my police medals, I proudly show off my piece of cake on my walking tour and clients can even have a quick sniff if they like.”

David says back then the brothers, now estranged, were extremely close. “I remember things as being good between them,” he says. “It’s sad that they now seem to be at loggerhead­s.”

And there was no hint of the current schism between Harry and his father when David observed them at the house Prince Charles inherited on the Balmoral estate from his grandmothe­r, the Queen Mother.

“Relations always seemed harmonious between Prince Harry and his father whenever I saw them together at Birkhall,” he says. “It was just like any other grown-up son visiting his dad for a couple of days.”

REFERRING to Harry’s comment during his and Meghan’s bombshell Oprah interview that his brother and father were caught in the system, David says: “I never got any sense of either Charles or William feeling trapped. They always seemed very dutiful – it is their role in life and they are doing it to the best of their ability.”

But David did spot signs that Harry was struggling with the constraint­s of royal life.

“When I worked for the royals, he would often take off on his motorbike at night and ride around London,” he says. “Maybe Harry felt like that for a long time.” The

California­n lifestyle the prince has now embraced is far more glamorous than the easygoing ways of his grandparen­ts.

“The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh were neither ostentatio­us nor flashy,” says David. “The Queen doesn’t like fuss. She would prefer to sneak out the back door quietly rather than make a big exit. She never wants to put anyone out.”

But they were never dull or difficult. David’s favourite memory is of the time he danced a reel with the Queen at the annual Ghillies Ball at Balmoral.

“The ballroom is only about the size of a tennis court with a gallery where local musicians play traditiona­l music. It’s like a very posh staff party but before you’re allowed to go, you have to have two or three dancing lessons – taught by one of the military sergeants in the staff canteen – so you won’t tread on HM’s toes,” he says.

“The royals have been doing it for years and they’re all really good at reels and I’ve danced with the Queen on several occasions, twirling her around a couple of times before she moved on to her next partner.

“The Queen always loved the ball, she was always energetic and smiling and having a good time, and she’d do most of the dances. I’ve also danced with Princess Anne, who’s very friendly and chatty – just like her children, Peter and Zara.” Famously irascible, Prince Phillip was the only royal David recalls raising his voice. “What you saw was what you got with him. I remember he disliked the sight of us carrying firearms but, of course, we had to. I’d always try to hide my gun when I came across him.

“He also couldn’t stand the sound of the (Queen’s) Guards and police officers crunching up and down on the gravel in front of Buckingham Palace on hot summer nights when he’d have his bedroom window open.” He’d hang out the window and bellow: “‘Get off the **** ing gravel!” David spent most time looking after the Prince of Wales. “He’s easygoing and a genuinely thoughtful, nice guy,” he says. “I remember one New Year’s Eve when he offered the officers on duty a tot of something to see in the new year. “They refused as they were working. The next day he said to me, ‘Oh, Inspector, I do hope I didn’t get anyone into trouble.’ I replied, ‘Well, Sir, you might have done but seeing as though they didn’t drink it, there’s not a problem!’” Prince Charles also has a great sense of humour, which he wasn’t afraid to show the staff.

“On one occasion, he had a new garden shed erected and to celebrate, he had a tongue-in-cheek unveiling ceremony and made a witty speech,” recalls David.

“The royals love Scotland because they’re free to go on walks.” He witnessed the closeness of William and Kate when they visited Birkhall with baby George.

“They would be walking together in the gardens and it always struck me how happy they were – just like any other young couple in love,” David says, smiling. “I also came across Kate and Prince George, then a toddler, and she was dunking his little wellington-booted feet in puddles, like any mum.

“Prince George blew me kisses, which was particular­ly sweet as the kisses and the blowing of them were all out of sync.”

David retired from the Met after 30 years in 2015 and soon afterwards spotted an advert looking for guides to tour the First World War battlefiel­ds. When David became a sergeant he was sponsored by the police to study for a degree to improve his chances of promotion. He read modern history and graduated with a 2:1.

“I had the relevant skills – I felt comfortabl­e talking in front of people and, as a history graduate, I knew a lot about the subject matter,” he says. “I also devised a week-long tour about the royals, starting in Balmoral and ending in London.

“It is also good to show the Royal Family in a positive light when there has been so much negative stuff about them of late.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? SLICE OF HISTORY: David has proudly kept his piece of royal wedding cake
SLICE OF HISTORY: David has proudly kept his piece of royal wedding cake
 ??  ?? IMPROMPTU WALKABOUT: William met crowds in The Mall the night before his wedding after David, left, agreed it was safe for him to go out
IMPROMPTU WALKABOUT: William met crowds in The Mall the night before his wedding after David, left, agreed it was safe for him to go out
 ??  ?? ANECDOTES: David includes tales of life working for the royals in his guide tours
ANECDOTES: David includes tales of life working for the royals in his guide tours

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