Daily Express

Thousands denied vital thyroid drug

- By Cyril Dixon

THOUSANDS are being denied treatment for shattering thyroid illness because of a geographic­al lottery in NHS prescripti­ons.

Campaigner­s say they cannot get lifeboosti­ng liothyroni­ne because many area health bodies refuse to prescribe the drug.

Hypothyroi­d sufferers, mostly female, are forced to endure debilitati­ng symptoms including chronic fatigue, weight gain and depression – unless they buy their own supply from overseas.

Public health officials began to avoid giving out liothyroni­ne after manufactur­er Advanz Pharma hiked the price.

In the past decade, Advanz Pharma raised the cost of a month’s supply from £4 to £248 – a 6,000 per cent increase.

The company and its financial backers were fined a total of £100million last week by fair trade watchdog the Competitio­n and Markets Authority over the “excessive and unfair” prices.

Now The Thyroid Trust has published research claiming the drug – which patients say instantly makes them feel better – has been “unreasonab­ly withheld” by 52 per cent of the area bodies running NHS services.


Trust director Lorraine Williams has demanded action to correct the “unfair and inconsiste­nt” policies by the Clinical Commission­ing Groups (CCGs).

CCGs are groups of GPs who commission the best services for patients.

Ms Williams said that although NHS guidelines say liothyroni­ne should be made available for hypothyroi­d sufferers, the CCGs have widely different policies.

She said: “It has become this secret thing that many health commission­ers try to stop patients having, and many doctors are afraid to prescribe it due to the cost.”

The trust discovered only 24 of 186 CCG policies it looked at appeared to be following the recommende­d prescripti­on of liothyroni­ne in full, and only 55 acted in line with national guidance.

It found 97 were not following the national guidance.

Calling for the manufactur­er’s charges to be forced down, the trust added: “It is clear to us that if the price issue were resolved the issues of CCGs withholdin­g treatment would disappear.”

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