Daily Express

Britons charged to enter EU in ‘revenge for Brexit’

- From Joe Barnes in Brussels

BRUSSELS is slapping a visa charge on British holidaymak­ers wanting to enter Europe from the end of next year, in an act of revenge for Brexit.

Brexiteers said the £6 fee was a brazen reflection of the EU’s antiBritis­h attitude.

Former Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage told the Daily Express that the decision “sums up the failing EU” and called on the Government to avoid charging Europeans – and instead welcome them.

He added: “We are an open, selfconfid­ent trading nation and want Europeans to come here and spend their money.” He spoke after European Commission officials said they were “on track” to introduce the European Travel Informatio­n and Authorisat­ion System (ETIAS) from the start of 2023. Britons will have to provide informatio­n about their identity, passport, education, job, recent travel and criminal conviction­s before they enter the bloc.

Each visa is valid for three years and can be used for multiple trips. The fee is waived for under-18s and over-70s.

ETIAS has been compared to the Electronic System for Travel Authorizat­ion (ESTA) used to visit the US.

Tory MP Peter Bone said it was a sign of antiBritis­hness in the wake of Brexit.

He added: “It doesn’t surprise me, it’s just another part of the anti-UK attitude they’ve taken since we left.”

The senior backbenche­r said EU nations reliant on tourism would be “pretty damn furious” by the introducti­on of yet more red tape for foreign travellers. “Many of these countries rely heavily on inward tourism for their financial wellbeing. It’s counterpro­ductive to what they want.”

Conservati­ve peer Lord Moylan said: “By all means, they’re free to do it if they want to, but what are they achieving except losing friends and pulling up the drawbridge? These aren’t countries any more, they’re becoming provinces of a superstate.”

Former Brexit minister David Jones said: “Considerin­g how dependent much of the EU is on UK tourism, it’s surprising to hear they now want us to pay for the privilege of visiting.”

EU officials say they have streamline­d the applicatio­n form so it will only take “a few minutes” to complete.

The Commission said: “ETIAS forms part of the EU’s ongoing work to put in place a state-ofthe-art external border management system and making sure that informatio­n systems work together in an intelligen­t and targeted way.”

Home Secretary Priti Patel previously announced similar plans for foreigners entering the UK, but no details have been released.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? A sign of things to come... French border police controllin­g arrivals at Nice
A sign of things to come... French border police controllin­g arrivals at Nice
 ??  ?? Advice...Nigel Farage, above, and Peter Bone
Advice...Nigel Farage, above, and Peter Bone

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