Daily Express

Killer facing life for the murder of pensioner, 83

- By John Twomey

AN 83-year-old man put up a “brave fight” before he was battered and strangled in his home, a court heard yesterday.

Donald Ralph was attacked by distant relative Leighton Snook and a teenage accomplice after they burgled his bungalow four days after Christmas last year.

The pensioner had lived at the property for 50 years, a court was told.

He fought back when he confronted Snook, 28, and the 16-year-boy but was no match for the two killers. Mr Ralph was ruthlessly beaten “until he bled” before Snook strangled him. He now faces a life sentence.

The attackers fled with Mr Ralph’s Volvo, a Browning shotgun and a Ruger rifle leaving their victim dead in the bungalow in Aldham, Essex.

Snook, related to the victim by step marriage, was desperate for cash after running up a £8,000 debt to a cocaine dealer.

He had pestered Mr Ralph for money shortly before the killing,

Ipswich Crown Court heard. The killers went to the pensioner’s home “to “obtain money directly from him or to take items they could sell in order to raise money,” said Simon Spence, QC, prosecutin­g.

Police arrested Snook and the boy within three days of the murder.

Isabella Forshall,

QC, for Snook, described the events as a “horribly gone wrong burglary where an old man bravely put up a fight”. Snook, of Colchester, Essex, was found guilty of murder and burglary in August.

The boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaught­er at the same hearing. He admitted burglary. The sentencing hearing continues.

 ?? ?? Brave fight... Donald Ralph
Brave fight... Donald Ralph
 ?? ?? Batterer...Snook, 28
Batterer...Snook, 28

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