Daily Express

We’re a soft touch for hard-luck tales

- Pictures: GETTY; PA

IAM tired of hearing how migrants are coming over the channel in rubber dinghies day after day because their motive for wanting to get to Britain is that “they speak English” or “have family over here”. Until Brexit any applicant who had his claim for asylum accepted anywhere in the EU, including France, and who became lawfully settled there could, under the freedom of movement rules, have then come to this country, but still migrants risked trying for illegal entry to Britain rather than claim in France.

This situation has prevailed for years. Back in the Nineties when I was in the Home Office and then Shadow Home Secretary, immigrants congregate­d at Sangatte and then spent their days attempting to enter Britain unlawfully on the backs of lorries. Yet they were already in a safe country and could have asked for asylum there. Daily, people arrive at Heathrow, having “lost” their documents airside and claiming to have come from unsafe countries. Yet, if their claims were valid they would not need to engage in such deceit.

The reason they all try to come here is simple enough: we are seen as a soft touch – and we are. The message that goes out is: once you have got into Britain you are most unlikely to be removed.

THIS is because we do not practise much detention, we have no national identity cards and we have a flourishin­g undergroun­d economy. In Belgium it is unlawful not to be carrying a means of identifica­tion. In France everybody must have some form of government-issued ID. In Germany it is law that everybody from the age of 16 must have either a national identity card or passport. Here you can wander about the country telling any old yarn about who you are or where you come from. At the risk of becoming a parrot, I say yet again that we should routinely detain all new asylum seekers in secure reception centres until their claims have been determined.

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