Daily Express

Charles is not a racist... just ask Sheila


PRINCE Charles has been fingered as the Royal who asked about baby Archie’s skin colour, which he vehemently denies.

I do not believe for one nano-second he is racist. Quite apart from anything else, there have been rumours for decades that he had a relationsh­ip with Sheila Ferguson of the Three Degrees.

I also know parents of mixed-race children who have had exactly that discussion, not because they were racist, but in exactly the same spirit that parents talk about whether their child will have brown or blue eyes.

When are these infantile complainer­s going to grow up?

POOR OLD Barbados, which has just ditched the Queen as Head of State to become a republic. It won’t know what it’s missing. It brings to mind my support bubble’s verdict on the war of independen­ce with the United States: it was the most successful defeat we’ve ever had.

PARENTS have been encouraged to grin at their greens as they eat them to encourage children to consume the stuff themselves. Isn’t this more likely to induce horror of veg?

There’s nothing more disturbing than watching someone do something distastefu­l while smirking.

Dr Ginny predicts years of analysis in later life…

MY GREAT weakness is cheese and I am also extremely partial to Brussels sprouts. But now a major supermarke­t chain has introduced Brussels sprout cheddar. No! No! A thousand times, no!

YOU KNOW what the most depressing phrase in the English language is? “Gender and sexuality.” It really says something about the woke generation that they have managed to reduce procreatio­n and the very essence of humanity to a tedious, prescripti­ve, intolerant rant.

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