Daily Express

Floral feud...

Woman hit neighbour’s girlfriend over plant pots

- By Mark Reynolds

AN AMATEUR gardener attacked her neighbour’s girlfriend after she had objected to her display of plant pots, a court has been told.

Angela Williams, 57, overheard a remark made by Jasmina Vidovic about the containers on the drive of her £400,000 bungalow home.

Williams called Ms Vidovic a “fat cow” before punching her four times in the face.

Ms Vidovic’s partner Peter Adams, 62, a university lecturer, had previously complained to Williams about pots obstructin­g his 2ft-wide path alongside his grey bungalow.


He posted a note asking her to move the pots, only for it to be screwed up and shoved back through his letterbox.

On May 14 last year Mr Adams returned to his home in Mudeford, Dorset, with Ms Vidovic, who described the pots as “a hazard”.

A court heard Williams was in her front garden at the time but was hidden from view by a trellis.

She stormed over to Ms Vidovic, called her a “fat cow” and said to Mr Adams, “Can’t you do better than that, Peter?” while referring to his “lady friend”. Ms Vidovic, who is from Bosnia and in her 40s, took that to be a racial slur.

Williams then repeatedly punched Ms Vidovic, who was holding two carrier bags of tomato plants at the time. The care worker was left with bruising to the face and a headache.

She told the court: “I was devastated. It went from being a very nice day into a disaster where I was beaten up and humiliated.”

The following day Williams posted a note through Mr Adams’ door, apologisin­g for her “unladylike behaviour”. She was arrested for assault and told police she had only slapped MsVidovic in self-defence.

After being found guilty of assault at Poole Magistrate­s’ Court she was fined £180 and told to pay £100 costs and a £34 victim surcharge.

The seemingly unrepentan­t defendant shouted from the dock: “She is not getting a penny from me.”

Williams was warned she could go to prison if she did not pay.

Afterwards Mr Adams said the stress of the case had caused him and MsVidovic to split up.

He said he had also now sold his home because of the incident.

 ?? Pictures: BNPS ?? Dispute...Williams, top left, her home, right, and Peter Adams, bottom left
Pictures: BNPS Dispute...Williams, top left, her home, right, and Peter Adams, bottom left
 ?? ?? Outcome...Peter has sold his home, left, next to Williams’ bungalow, right
Outcome...Peter has sold his home, left, next to Williams’ bungalow, right

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