Daily Express

BBC funding is just a licence to print money


AT LAST it seems something will actually be done about the TV licence. The way the BBC lords it over all other broadcaste­rs is pure arrogance. If I hear anyone else from the Beeb banging on about how they are the benchmark of good broadcasti­ng I will have to sit down and take a deep breath. A national broadcaste­r is necessary and even though it may not sell adverts, the BBC has become a business empire through us funding it. We should all have made a fortune – after all, we are the shareholde­rs, aren’t we?

What the BBC should really consist of is the World Service, a news channel and a radio service. That is all they need. People talk about how cheap it is but that isn’t the point – it’s essentiall­y a service that anyone who watches television has to pay for whether they actually watch the BBC or not.Times have changed and so should the way we fund the BBC. And threatenin­g the poor and vulnerable with prison because they can’t or won’t pay is totally unacceptab­le. Thank goodness Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries has had the courage to take them on.

THE NEGATIVE reaction to moves to sack NHS workers who haven’t had the vaccine is remarkable. They are in charge of our health. I’m not medically trained, but neither are most of the moaners who seem to think they know best. What I do know however, is that the consensus of opinion not only here but around the world is that it’s best to be vaccinated. It’s better for you and the people around you.

So why then are people now saying, don’t sack those people who work in the NHS who refuse to have the jab? It’s barmy and it sends out the wrong message.

I know our NHS is understaff­ed and badly managed, but we are lucky to have some of the best medics in the world. They’re keeping me alive but I don’t want to think when I am in getting my chemo that every precaution hasn’t been taken to make sure that I don’t get Covid.

So if I found the nurse, radiograph­er or doctor was not a fan of getting the vaccine, I’d be furious. My consultant told me I should have the vaccine straight away so I did. And that’s what all of us should do.

Talk to the doctors rather than read rubbish on social media and if you work anywhere where you come into contact regularly with vulnerable people, get vaccinated or leave.

I WAS never really a fan of the face mask but considerin­g I haven’t had a cold for a couple of years, I’m beginning to think they’re probably a good thing. And now research shows that a large number of the population think we look more attractive in face masks. Well that’s a turn-up for the books. I’m wondering if a face mask might improve my TV ratings…

 ?? Picture: ITV ??
Picture: ITV

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