Daily Express

By-election is the only option after crossing the floor


NONE OF US had actually heard of Christian Wakeford, below, the Conservati­ve MP who crossed the floor to the Labour Party last Wednesday during Prime Minister’s Questions.

He very briefly became the star of the show alongside the rather bitter David Davis.

Mr Wakeford apparently changes his mind quite frequently. According to recent revelation­s he has been very rude to certain Labour members, which just makes the whole of our political system look like it’s populated by a bunch of idiots who think they’re still at school.

The rules need changing. If you don’t like the party you were elected to represent – which is presumably why people voted for you – then you should stand for election again. There should be none of this: “I don’t like what this political party is doing, I think I’ll join another one.”

Mr Wakeford was voted into Westminste­r as a Tory and if he wants to change his mind about that he should give voters the chance to change their mind about him.

Incidental­ly, Mr Wakeford, you will regret this decision. It’s made you look dim and disloyal.

ARE YOU thinking of going to the USA in the near future? Think again. The US has put 5G masts which are too close to the bandwidth of the airline industry near some airports, which could make landing in bad weather very difficult.

It is worrying the airlines, which is why they have decided to cancel some flights to the US.

Why didn’t anybody in America consider this before continuing to launch 5G? Downloadin­g certain apps five minutes faster or having slightly faster broadband is nowhere near as important as aeroplanes landing safely.

Don’t think I’ll be travelling to the US in the near future. What about you?

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