Daily Express

Secret of a happy marriage? Monthly rows

- By Emma Elsworthy

THE recipe for a perfect marriage includes six meaningful conversati­ons, three long walks – and two barnstormi­ng rows, every month, a survey found.

One short break together plus two longer holidays every year also helps, according to the 2,000 happily wed adults questioned. Romance plays a big part too. The most contented couples claim they have sex five times a week, kiss two or three times daily and say “I love you” up to 20 times a fortnight.

The most important element of the top 50 components said to be key to a happy relationsh­ip is spending quality time together, followed by taking care of a partner who is ill.

Also highly rated were pursuing your own interests, allowing your other half to see you at your worst – and being silly with one another.


Couples also valued listening to each other grumble about work, showing their partner how proud they are of them and being respectful in front of others.

The research was carried out by OnePoll for adult-only hotel group Warner Leisure Hotels.

Simon Thompson, Warner’s managing director, said: “Many couples who visit us say they feel closer after a romantic weekend relaxing and unwinding together, and it certainly helps that neither has to do the chores.”

He continued : “Quality time spent enjoying shared interests seems to be a winning formula for a lasting marriage – along with placing value on time apart pursuing individual hobbies.

“It takes a good mix of humour, affection, understand­ing and interest to keep a relationsh­ip exciting.” Other tips for wedded bliss include forgiving a spouse’s bad habits, not going to sleep on an argument – and turning a blind eye when your loved one is being moody or annoying.

One in five of those surveyed were impressed with larger gestures of love, such as booking a break away.

But 36 per cent were also content with smaller acts of kindness including being taken out to dinner every now and then.

And almost four in 10 said putting the bins out was a romantic gesture.

JUST forget all that “for richer, for poorer” stuff. There’s a new recipe for a perfect marriage – and it consists of six deep conversati­ons, three long walks and two massive rows a month.

In a poll,Warner Leisure Hotels found that 2,000 husbands and wives rated sex and romance but above all else, shared quality time won out. So walk the walk, talk the talk – and let off steam every fortnight. It’s good for you.

 ?? ?? Walk and talk...helps marriage
Walk and talk...helps marriage

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